Tag: Artificial

Scientists Are Creating Artificial Northern Lights

The Aurora Borealis is one of nature’s most breathtaking phenomena. For millennia, it has inspired stories of gods and mythology and left humanity dumbstruck with its beauty. But now, scientists are playing God themselves and creating their own synthetic heavenly lights. A few weeks ago, ...

Artificial empathy, digital dependency, and loneliness: exploring connections and actions

Empathy is an essential ingredient to maintaining health in our primary relationships. At work, this relationship would most likely be with our immediate supervisors and direct reports. Beyond what the experts and headlines say, we all know how powerful it is to feel understood and cared for when...

Artificial threat to humanity

The human use of AI covers everything human can imagine could be automated and made more efficiently evil with AI More centralized or air-trigger control of nuclear weapons,more powerful disinformation campaigns, deadliar biological weapons,more effective planning for social control and so on...

Learning to make drones ‘see’ with artificial intelligence

When I initially got the itch to purchase a ‘beginner’ level drone a few months back, I didn’t really know why I wanted it. I didn’t want to pay big bucks because odds were I’d lose it, crash it or simply not appreciate it so I bought a sub $100 DJI ‘...

Human Entanglement With Organic And Artificial Intelligence

“Without this fungal web my tree would not exist. Without similar fungal webs no plant would exist anywhere. All life on land, including my own, depended on these networks.” ― Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futur...

The Race Towards AI: Why Executives Must Assess Artificial Intelligence Readiness First

Like the mythical sirens that enchanted ancient mariners, the promise of artificial intelligence seduces modern executives with visions of effortless optimization and predictions of untold riches. Yet, much like those wayward sailors of lore, leaders entranced by AI’s potential may steer their...

Why More Is More (in Artificial Intelligence)

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have profoundly transformed the landscape of machine learning, often becoming synonymous with the broader fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Yet, their rise would have been unimaginable without their partner-in-crime: stochastic gradient descent (SGD)...

Revolutionizing Our World: The Unstoppable Rise of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one phenomenon stands out as a beacon of innovation and transformation: Artificial Intelligence (AI). From its inception as a concept in science fiction to its omnipresence in our daily lives, AI has not only revolutionized industries but h...

Artificial empathy, digital dependency, and loneliness: exploring connections and actions

Empathy is an essential ingredient to maintaining health in our primary relationships. At work, this relationship would most likely be with our immediate supervisors and direct reports. Beyond what the experts and headlines say, we all know how powerful it is to feel understood and cared for when...

Can artificial intelligence robots be subject to liability for the dissemination of erroneous information they convey?

Itis essential to categorize artificial intelligence robots before forming an opinion on this matter. While the imparting of information and learning is not feasible for ChatGPT, a distinction exists with regard to Bard. An assessment of the extent to which artificial intelligence robots can be subj...

How Artificial Intelligence Will Completely Change the Way We Live in the Next 20 Years ??

As I’ve gone throughout the world discussing this topic, I’m frequently asked, “What will the future hold for humans and AI?” This is a critical question at this juncture in history. Some feel we are in the midst of an “AI bubble” that will eventually burst or ...

Artificial Intelligence and Video Games: 3 Amazing Possibilities

1) Multiplayer Games will see less Balance Patches That’s right, overpowered champions or overused weapons in video games will be more apparent to the developers before releasing the game. How can this be done with AI? Let’s discuss simulation within video games. Simulation can be ...

Exploring the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present, and Future

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of technology, few innovations have captured the imagination quite like Artificial Intelligence (AI). From its early theoretical foundations to its present-day applications, AI has not only transformed industries but has also sparked discussions about it...

Why More Is More (in Artificial Intelligence)

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have profoundly transformed the landscape of machine learning, often becoming synonymous with the broader fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Yet, their rise would have been unimaginable without their partner-in-crime: stochastic gradient descent (SGD)...

Land Cover Classification using Artificial Neural Networks in R with TensorFlow and Keras

Land cover classification using remote sensing and artificial neural networks is an interesting and important topic in the field of environmental science. Remote sensing allows us to gather information about the Earth’s surface, including vegetation, soil, and water, from a distance. This info...

There should be no regulation of artificial intelligence. Here’s why.

These days, in the sphere of public debate, there’s a rule I try to remember. Namely, that if I come across the same idea twice in a week, it’s probably a bad idea. And if I see it a third time, it’s surely a terrible one. Ideas that are easily repeated are too simple to do justice...

There should be no regulation of artificial intelligence. Here’s why.

These days, in the sphere of public debate, there’s a rule I try to remember. Namely, that if I come across the same idea twice in a week, it’s probably a bad idea. And if I see it a third time, it’s surely a terrible one. Ideas that are easily repeated are too simple to do justice...

There should be no regulation of artificial intelligence. Here’s why

These days, in the sphere of public debate, there’s a rule I try to remember. Namely, that if I come across the same idea twice in a week, it’s probably a bad idea. And if I see it a third time, it’s surely a terrible one. Ideas that are easily repeated are too simple to do justice...

The Unprecedented Surge in Artificial Intelligence: Decoding the Future 2024

In the dynamic realm of technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of transformative potential. As we stand on the cusp of a new AI era, it’s imperative to delve deeper into the nuances of this technology, its trajectory, and its multif...

The Illusion of Paper Wealth: Unmasking the Fallout of Artificial Economics

Reviving the Vedic Economic Paradigm for a Sustainable and Equitable Future *Artificial economics is responsible for all the problems i.e. cow slaughter, pollution, food shortage, diseases, crimes etc etc.* Real money is land and cows. They created paper money to exploit nature. We shou...

Our Brains Don’t Understand Artificial Intelligence

Weoften refer to a ship as “she”, even trains and sometimes our cars. It’s not uncommon in the manufacturing industry for workers to name large pieces of equipment. Research into voice assistants like Alexa and Siri noted that some people will treat their engagement with a range of...

Artificial intelligence diminishes its own value

Economic choices are acts of creativity. They encode points of view about what is best for the buyer or seller. New options, and new information about existing options, change each individual’s choices. This is true even in non-capitalist economies, as no central committee can control indiv...

Artificial Intelligence Reviews My Friend’s Band

There’s no shortage of ideas to explore and things to write about. In the conversation below, ChatGPT and I “listen” to some songs by The Boland Underground. Check them out on Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, Pandora, iHeart and Amazon. ...

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Would Help Foster Better Natural Resources Conservation, Exploration, Extraction and Production, while Supporting their Supply Chain Management in More Sustainable Ways

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way we conserve and use natural resources. With its ability to process large amounts of data and identify patterns, AI can help us make better decisions about how we manage our resources and reduce the impact of human activity on th...


If you thought transgenders were a seasonal thing, I hate to break it to you, it’s not. For those of you who are puzzled, yes, there’s some folks who subconsciously thought trans people were a wave or trend that would pass. Like how teenagers get stubborn and we know they&rsquo...

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Biotechnology and the Development of Artificial Organs for Transplantation

The science of biotechnology has made amazing advances in recent years, particularly in the development of artificial organs for transplant. This remarkable advancement has given millions of people suffering from life-threatening organ failures hope. Organ transplantation has long been seen as an...

The Artificial Unconscious

Carl Gustav Jung theorized — and experienced — the existence of the collective unconscious, a reservoir of imagery and archetypes that transcend individual experience, connecting us to a shared, mythic foundation. It’s a realm glimpsed indirectly through dreams, mythology...