Artificial Intelligence and Video Games: 3 Amazing Possibilities

<h1>1) Multiplayer Games will see less Balance Patches</h1> <p>That&rsquo;s right, overpowered champions or overused weapons in video games will be more apparent to the developers before releasing the game. How can this be done with AI?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s discuss simulation within video games. Simulation can be done using the game engine that the video game is being created in and executing the game within a local environment. Using intelligent agents with machine learning algorithms to replicate human behavior, the simulations can be played out as real games for testing, analyzing, and data collection!</p> <p>We will talk about the machine learning in a second, right now let&rsquo;s bask in the possibilities of what this means. Fighters, Shooters, MOBAs, etc. can be released without having absolutely broken exploits! Testing will be much easier for developers and the lifecycle of games will have a much more healthier timeline. Personally, I hope the advancement of AI/ML makes multiplayer games more stable for their respective competitive scenes. Let&rsquo;s talk about the machine learning algorithms that can be used.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>