How Artificial Intelligence Will Completely Change the Way We Live in the Next 20 Years ??

<p>As I&rsquo;ve gone throughout the world discussing this topic, I&rsquo;m frequently asked, &ldquo;What will the future hold for humans and AI?&rdquo;</p> <p>This is a critical question at this juncture in history. Some feel we are in the midst of an &ldquo;AI bubble&rdquo; that will eventually burst or at the very least cool down. Those who hold more extreme and dystopian perspectives believe in everything from AI giants &ldquo;hijacking our minds&rdquo; and forming a utopian new race of &ldquo;human cyborgs&rdquo; to the onset of an AI-driven Armageddon. These projections may be based on genuine interest or justifiable anxiety, but they are frequently speculative or overblown. They are missing the big picture. Because AI is complex and opaque, speculation differs greatly, and it is no surprise that the general public&rsquo;s attitude toward AI has become cautious &mdash; and even unfavorable.</p> <p>To be sure, portions of AI research merit our scrutiny and caution, but it is critical to balance these concerns with exposure to the whole picture of the promise of this critical technology. AI, like other technologies, is neither good nor evil by definition. And, like most technologies, I believe that AI will eventually have more positive than bad effects on our civilization.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>