Human Entanglement With Organic And Artificial Intelligence

<p>&ldquo;<strong><em>Without this fungal web my tree would not exist. Without similar fungal webs no plant would exist anywhere. All life on land, including my own, depended on these networks</em></strong>.&rdquo;<br /> ―&nbsp;<strong>Merlin Sheldrake,&nbsp;<em>Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds &amp; Shape Our Futures</em></strong></p> <p>After having watched all episodes of the brilliant&nbsp;<em>Last Of Us</em>&nbsp;in 2023 I read a few reviews of the series and in one, a book was mentioned,&nbsp;<em>Entangled Life</em>&nbsp;by Merlin Sheldrake published in 2020 (see above).</p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>Last Of Us</em>&nbsp;is about a global fungal infection of&nbsp;<em>Cordyceps</em>&nbsp;moving from its normal habitats and grounds into our human biological environment and turning human beings into an extension of this living fungus through contact with its expanding mycelial network. It is set in a different timeline as the year of the outbreak is 2003. Our hero Joel flees with his brother and daughter but the daughter is killed by a soldier who panics and shoots at them. Sarah is killed. We then jump 20 years later when the&nbsp;<em>Cordyceps</em>&nbsp;have enveloped the whole planet and infected billions.</p> <p>The encounters we see with those humans transformed by Cordyceps are genuinely terrifying. The generic name&nbsp;<em>Cordyceps</em>&nbsp;is derived from the ancient Greek &kappa;&omicron;&rho;&delta;ύ&lambda;&eta;&nbsp;<em>kord&yacute;lē</em>, meaning &ldquo;club&rdquo;, and the Latin&nbsp;<em>-ceps</em>, meaning &ldquo;-headed&rdquo;. If you haven&rsquo;t watched the series that should give you some idea as to what they look like.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>