The Artificial Unconscious

<p>Carl Gustav Jung theorized &mdash; and&nbsp;<em>experienced</em>&nbsp;&mdash; the existence of the collective unconscious, a reservoir of imagery and archetypes that transcend individual experience, connecting us to a shared, mythic foundation. It&rsquo;s a realm glimpsed indirectly through dreams, mythology, and creative expression. And then came AI&hellip;</p> <p>There&rsquo;s an unsettling thrill when an LLM crafts a line of poetry that cuts to the quick or generates a folktale brimming with timeless wisdom: a familiar shiver, that feeling of encountering something we both recognize and don&rsquo;t. We ask&mdash;did the algorithm create this, or was it tapping into something latent within the depths of our shared psyche?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>