Tag: Articles

Don’t Use ChatGPT to Write Articles. Use It For These Five Things Instead.

Anyone who’s tried “write an article about [topic]” as a prompt to ChatGPT will tell you the truth: ChatGPT can’t write well at all. That’s not a secret. If you doubt me, ask it or any AI writing tool, to write a blog post. It will crank out very bad content that no rea...

Five of the Most Overused Words and Phrases in Blog Articles

In the world of blog posts, not all words and phrases are created equal. In fact, there’s a plethora of terms that are used entirely too often. You may be wondering if you’re guilty of overreliance on some of the most overused snippets in content writing. Let’s review a few b...

New Writers! When No One Is Reading Your Articles…

You write articles daily. You write articles consistently. Also, you pour your heart and soul into writing these articles. But, when you check your medium account, you see only a handful of views. Has this happened to you as well? Yes, It can be frustrating to see little to no engagem...

How I Write 2 Articles Most Mornings Before Work (With Little Effort)

I don’t use ChatGPT. I don’t have anything against it, it’s an incredible piece of tech but the truth is, I like the writing process. I like the struggle, I like scratching my head and thinking of new ways to say things. I like the way I do things. So now that’s over...

How To Mind Map in Word to Quickly Outline and Write Your Article

Mind mapping is an excellent way to visualize information. Up until recently, I used apps or a pen and paper to organize information into a mind map, but I just learned a way to organize your information right in the Word Application. Now, it is even easier to outline an article in this visual wa...

New Writers! When No One Is Reading Your Articles…

You write articles daily. You write articles consistently. Also, you pour your heart and soul into writing these articles. But, when you check your medium account, you see only a handful of views. Has this happened to you as well? Yes, It can be frustrating to see little to no engagem...

Articles Always Take Longer To Write Than Expected…

Writing is rarely ever clear cut. However, in that complexity comes immense satisfaction Image by Ruwad Al Karem from Pixabay In my last article, I talked about how finding success — specifically, as a writer — typically takes much longer than expected. I posited a kind of &...

How I Wrote 8 Articles In 1 Hour — Many Times

Many years ago, I had a heated discussion with a guy on the Warrior Forum. It was huge back then. Everybody who was into marketing was on the Warrior Forum. After lurking around for four years, I was there, too. Participating actively every day. It was good for traffic. You could practially...

The Most-Read Articles of the Week (March 18th~24th)

2. Beauty: Natural Skin Care Food This article is about how cocoa flavanols, which are special nutrients found in chocolate, can improve your skin. Consuming cocoa flavanols (e.g., dark chocolate) can make wrinkles less severe, make skin more stretchy, and even help you lose a little...

Importance of Adjective in English Language

An Adjective is a word that changes a describing so as to a noun or a pronoun to making it more descriptive. For instance, with the expansion of adjective, the thing “man” turns into “the tall, attractive man” or “the short, plain man.” Descriptive words addition...