Don’t Use ChatGPT to Write Articles. Use It For These Five Things Instead.

<p>Anyone who&rsquo;s tried &ldquo;write an article about [topic]&rdquo; as a prompt to ChatGPT will tell you the truth: ChatGPT can&rsquo;t write well at all. That&rsquo;s not a secret. If you doubt me, ask it or any AI writing tool, to write a blog post. It will crank out very bad content that no real human will like reading.</p> <p>Yet I&rsquo;m still a ChatGPT fan. It saves me a ton of time and makes my job as a busy content creator a little easier. Here are five surprising non-writing applications I love using ChatGPT for.</p> <h1>1. Title optimization.</h1> <p>Titles used to take me about an hour a week &mdash; email subject lines, article titles, and journalist pitch subject lines. Now they take me about five minutes.</p> <p>I use&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">ConvertKit</a>&nbsp;as my email provider, which has a really neat A/B subject line tester. This helps me with my content strategy &mdash; I usually send my best ideas to you in email format first and use that to test out which title is best.</p> <p>Then, about a week later, I publish that on my website and my article with the winning title.</p> <p><img alt="screenshot of two subject line options in convertkit on the theme of “x ways to use ChatGPT that don’t have to do with writing”" src="*iN0Hf4wSB61Y23_G" style="height:89px; width:700px" /></p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>ConvertKit&rsquo;s</em></a><em>&nbsp;A/B testing feature</em></p> <p>Would it surprise you to learn that I used ChatGPT to come up with the second title option?</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>