Tag: Apple’s

Apple’s Messi Vision

Well, I didn’t see Apple’s long cultivated ‘Services’ narrative going in this direction. Earlier today, it was announced that Lionel Messi, the world’s greatest soccer player,¹ would be leaving Europe behind and joining Inter Miam...

Apple’s Messi Vision

Well, I didn’t see Apple’s long cultivated ‘Services’ narrative going in this direction. Earlier today, it was announced that Lionel Messi, the world’s greatest soccer player,¹ would be leaving Europe behind and joining Inter Miam...

Apple’s LaserWriter Changed Everything

The passing of Dr. John Warnock, co-founder of Adobe Systems Inc. and co-inventor of Interpress, PostScript, and the PDF file format has generated inspiring tributes from news organizations all over the world. As one of the countless people who benefited from Dr. W...

Apple’s LaserWriter Changed Everything

The passing of Dr. John Warnock, co-founder of Adobe Systems Inc. and co-inventor of Interpress, PostScript, and the PDF file format has generated inspiring tributes from news organizations all over the world. As one of the countless people who benefited from Dr. W...

Apple’s Game Changer

At the risk of sounding like a broken cartridge, I think it’s time for Apple to seriously look at buying Nintendo. Yes, I’ve been going on about this for years.¹ And yes, major hurdles remain: namely that Nintendo remains a profitable company with seemingly little or no...

18 principles to keep in mind when designing for Apple’s Vision Pro

1. Avoid using solid colours or opaque windows Solid colours tend to cut away users from what is happening in the background. With glass material users can still be aware of what is happening in their surroundings. 2. Text colour always defaults to white Colours other than white don&rsq...

Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose Multiplatform: Apple’s Strategic Failure

“The Kotlin Multiplatform technology is designed to simplify the development of cross-platform projects. It reduces time spent writing and maintaining the same code for different platforms while retaining the flexibility and benefits of native programming.” ~ Kotlin.org It’...

Apple’s Journal App Released! — What’s Inside?

The Journal app was teased by Apple in WWDC23 and the company told it’ll be released “later this year”. Ever since, it’s been one of the most awaited iOS 17 perks. Know what? I’ve just updated my iPhone to iOS 17.2 Developer Beta 1, and to my sur...

Apple’s Holiday Commercial “Sway” is Shot in Prague — FAQ

This is the second year in a row Apple chose to shoot its holiday commercial in the former Czech Republic, now called Czechia. Last year’s “Frankie’s Holiday” also took place in the near-by region. To showcase the absolute freedom you can experience while wearing AirPods (...

Don’t Fall For Apple’s Greenwashing

A few days ago, Apple did yet another one of its swanky launch events. The main focus of this one was the upcoming iPhone 15 and its EU-compliant USB-C port (RIP lightning port). But hidden among the pomp and excitement was something truly worrying: Apple’s next Apple Watch. The product itself...