Tag: age

The age of Agile must end

As startups refocus on “operational efficiency,” let’s emphasize that efficiency is a way of working, not your headcount. Agile development has been the #1 operational principle of tech for over 20 years, unchecked, unquestioned. Yet, it has fundamental flaws that...

After the age of 50 and 60, it is time to stop doing these 8 things

The ancients said: “At forty there is no doubt, at fifty-one knows the destiny, and at sixty-one is obedient” After entering middle age and old age, I just want to do ordinary things with an ordinary heart. This article is a letter written by an old man to himself. All the words are h...

What Exactly is Middle Age?

Live an average American woman’s life and you’ll die at around age 79. If you could contemplate things from beyond the grave, you could argue that middle age, for you, was around 40. If you’re a man, dying at age 73 as demographers intended, your spirit self might figure 36 had bee...

It’s Hard to Watch Your Parents Age

In late 2019, I returned to my hometown after a year of working in the big city. I had to visit my father because he had a stroke, again, and this time, he spent several days in the ICU. He was barely able to move half of his body when he got out of the hospital. The first change I noticed when I...

Archangel Michael on the Age of Awareness

My good friend and talented psychic artist  Janinekeall  and I are embarking on a collaboration project. She is drawing portraits of the angels and each portrait will come with a special message that I will channel. There are so few images of the angels out there, and this will gi...

Learning History Will Make You Wealthy in the Age of AI

Do you recall those days in school when your art history teacher would lecture about the great works of art and the grand empires of old? It might have been in a dimly lit lecture hall, and the monotonous drone of their voice could have easily induced a nap. Back then, you might have wondered, &ldqu...

Digital Fashion: The Creative Elixir in the Metaverse Age

In the tapestry of our existence, digital fashion emerges not merely as a trend but as the very essence of our evolving cultural paradigm. In this intricate fusion of artistry and technology, lies the potential to transform our world into a haven of creativity and boundless happiness. Digital fashio...

3.4 Coming of Age in Athens

Socrates’ borough or deme was Alopece, located in the immediate suburbs of Athens to the southeast. In his constitutional reforms of 508 BC, Cleisthenes identified and distributed the hundred and thirty-nine demes among ten administrative “tribes,” replacing four mutually hostile k...

The Gilded Age: New York’s Old and New Money

Marian’s father has died and left her nothing. Her only option is to move to Manhattan to live with her aunts, her only living relatives. These are socialite women of old money in New York. One of her aunts, Agnes, married into old money that dates back to the Mayflower crossing the Atlantic O...

Embracing Age Limitations and Looking Up

As a child, I was no stranger to optimism. My imagination and curiosity were my most trusted companions and often led me to daring explorations and uncharted territories. Not undiscovered, just unknown places for me. The world in which I lived was my playground and I had an endless supply of oppo...

Is There a Magical Age?

It’s 55! And what is so special about being 55? If you are still working, most likely you’re in your peak earning years. Additionally, you may be close to paying off your mortgage and have college costs behind you — whether the costs were for you or your kids. You are still y...

Is Every Age the Best Age to Be?

I’m old. I like being old, and I am good at being old. Being old fits me. I was not good at being young or being middle-aged, and it is nice to discover an age I am good at. What’s not to like about it? I don’t have to work. I don’t have to earn money. I can do what I want...

Are You Ahead or Behind? Understanding the Average Retirement Age Landscape

Is your mind constantly wandering to the “Golden Years”? Planning for retirement in time is essential, but when is the right time to begin? What is the best time to start making some lifestyle changes? Retirement age depends on various factors, including your age, marital status, a...

Why Do Some Men Age into Hermits?

I know several men who are into older age, older than sixty, and not doing well. These struggling men include a former very successful businessman and others who also had respected jobs. They are now unemployed into retirement, divorced, and single. The “retirement” may have happened yea...

What Nobody Tells You About Middle Age

What is the cosmic caterpillar? I read this somewhere and will retell it, badly. Imagine alien observers who perceive time differently, like all at once. Whereas we see our bodies in the here and now, they perceive each body we inhabit (the toddler, the adolescent, the adult) as part of one linked w...

Mindfulness in the Age of AI: Embracing Impermanence and Non-Attachment in Technology

Mindfulness in our Usage: Mindfulness is about conscious awareness, especially important when interacting with AI. We must recognize AI’s limitations and biases. This awareness is crucial in not accepting AI-generated responses blindly. Headspace, an AI-powered meditation app, can he...

The Golden Age Awaits Us

What perspective should we adopt to best understand the world around us? Does a broader view help in understanding the planet’s current challenges? Many people’s anxieties focus less on the present and more on potential future events. Cyclical time is deeply rooted in various spiritua...

I Came Out As Trans at Age 3

When I was a toddler Mama and I had an argument. She said I couldn’t be a girl because I had a penis. I shouted back, “Of course, little girls can have penises! I have one!” I made her cry. She went to a therapist who told her it was a phase and to let it play itself out, but&...

What is the Age of Aquarius?

The term was first coined in 1730 by astrologer William Lilly, but it has been popularized through pop culture references such as “The Age of Aquarius” song from the musical “Hair.” According to astrology, an age occurs every 2160 years, when the sun moves into a new const...


It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening to address you as part of this magnificent conference; an occasion that calls for us all to reflect on the current and foreseeable interactions between technology, business and the law. And how timely an invitation this is because, in my view at lea...

What was it like when the Sun was born?

Although the Universe was only two-thirds of its present age back when the Sun was first forming, things back then were already very similar to how they are today. The Milky Way appeared relatively isolated: the second-largest member of a relatively modest group of galaxies. Low-mass dwarf galaxies ...

What is Biological Age, and Does it Tell Us Anything Useful?

HHave you ever noticed that some of your friends, who are the same age as you, might seem older? Maybe their hair has started graying before yours. Maybe they aren’t as fit and can’t keep up on more strenuous hikes. Maybe their skin shows more age and wrinkles. Two people can be th...

How to Find Out the Age of Rocks?

Rock dating is a fundamental discipline in geology that allows us to travel back in time. By studying rocks, we can reconstruct past geological events, climate changes, the evolution of life, and the movements that have shaped our planet over millennia. In this article, we ...

Some Negative Age Stereotypes — Wherein I Bust Some Myths

I want to loosen up and have some fun tonight. Fighting ageism doesn’t need to be grim — that’s bad for my health. After all, I’m not Super-Anti-Ageism Man. I’m just an older man with an ageism problem. So, let’s deal with it. I’ve got Hot Chip ...

The Age of Beauty

Black is forever beautiful — regardless of age. Black doesn’t crack which I believe is true. My mother, resting in eternal peace, didn’t have any wrinkles in her 70s until she was stricken by cancer. The dreaded disease aged my mother by twenty years and that was the only way her B...

7 Powerful Habits Of Women Who Age Slowly

How to Age Slowly These lifestyle habits can help slow down the aging process, allowing you to look great and stay young at any age. Want to turn back the clock of aging? Whether you’re scared of aging or want to age gracefully, adopting certain habits can easily help you stay looki...