What is Biological Age, and Does it Tell Us Anything Useful?

<p>HHave you ever noticed that some of your friends, who are the same age as you, might seem older?</p> <p>Maybe their hair has started graying before yours. Maybe they aren&rsquo;t as fit and can&rsquo;t keep up on more strenuous hikes. Maybe their skin shows more age and wrinkles.</p> <p>Two people can be the same age, according to calendars, but seem quite different in physical appearance. There&rsquo;s another way of measuring age, one that doesn&rsquo;t use birthdays, employed by biologists. It&rsquo;s called&nbsp;<strong>biological age</strong>, and it can help researchers test whether a treatment would let you live longer &mdash; but the term is also used to scam you out of money.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wise-well/what-is-biological-age-and-does-it-tell-us-anything-useful-30b7c9c6924b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Biological age