What Nobody Tells You About Middle Age

<p>What is the cosmic caterpillar? I read this somewhere and will retell it, badly. Imagine alien observers who perceive time differently, like all at once. Whereas we see our bodies in the here and now, they perceive each body we inhabit (the toddler, the adolescent, the adult) as part of one linked whole, weaving through time and space. The great cosmic caterpillar, if you will.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s all one cosmic conga line, between your various selves and the selves that came before and after as well. This line was connected to your ancestors and your descendants, and where an individual &lsquo;cuts&rsquo; the line is a matter of personal preference, it has no philosophical import at all (as the Buddha&nbsp;<em>et al</em>&nbsp;have said). Individualism is simply an illusion in the way we perceive time and these higher dimensional beings don&rsquo;t see it that way at all. With the doors of perception cleansed, as Aldous Huxley said, they see everything as it is, infinite. I always thought that was a more accurate way of looking at life. Not as a fixed point in space/time but as a continuous process of&nbsp;<em>living.</em></p> <p><a href="https://indica.medium.com/what-nobody-tells-you-about-middle-age-8a2a89f16625"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Middle age