Debugging My Life as an Engineering Manager With ADHD

I was always a software engineer first and never planned (or wanted) to become a manager. Dealing with software seemed much easier than dealing with people. Working on hard technical problems felt natural, but dealing with emotional matters and nuances in communication always bothered me. However...

What is ADHD?

At Lynda Hoffman Life Coaching in Montreal, I offer ADHD coaching to adults, couples and families who are struggling to create the positive outcomes they desire. It begins with understanding ADHD ADHD is a neurological disorder that affects many areas of life. It is directly linked to ...

Lessons From an ADHD Summer

1. You won’t read that book during vacation Created by the author. Sorry to break it to you, but that book you are diligently carrying around in your luggage will never be read. That is if you are anything like me, of course. And I was in such denial until the very end of my vacation...

Living With Adult ADHD: Explained In Comics

If I had to summarize my ADHD experience in one sentence it would be this: Chasing a life where everything you do is exciting and avoiding everything that could be even slightly boring. October is ADHD awareness month and I think it’s time I tell you how ADHD affects my everyday life — i...

ADHD Diagnosis Is Important — Here’s Why

Undiagnosed ADHD can also wreak havoc on mental health. When we go without explanations for our struggles, it often ends up easier to blame ourselves. Many individuals with ADHD perceive themselves as lazy, unintelligent, or overwhelming for others. Over time, we internalize these beliefs, which ...

What’s the difference between ADHD and autism?

Diagnosis is still completely based on observable behavior, which makes it more of a narrative process than a biological one. You don’t get diagnosed with a brain scan or a blood test — it depends what you tell the doctor about yourself or your child, and what they see in the stories you...

Women Left Behind in Mental Health: The Late Diagnosis of ADHD

I grew up with ADHD….but I never knew it. Not until last year. You’d think after 29 years at least one therapist would have picked up on it. Or an educator. But the misogyny runs deep in the world of ADHD. It’s funny. The moment I was first diagnosed, m...

Where Are the Missing ADHD Genes?

Long ago, biologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists settled the debate about whether nature or nurture shapes human behavior and dysfunction. For every condition we can think of, both our biology and our psychosocial environments play major roles. Yet despite the increasing power o...

Is it Autism or ADHD?

Although some researchers think that the two conditions represent different developmental manifestations of the same underlying biologic causes, most of the field sees them as two distinct conditions, and have written the diagnostic definitions to reflect that. We diagnose individuals with ADHD w...

Where Are the Missing ADHD Genes?

Long ago, biologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists settled the debate about whether nature or nurture shapes human behavior and dysfunction. For every condition we can think of, both our biology and our psychosocial environments play major roles. Yet despite the increasing power o...

Why We Should Stop Looking for ADHD Genes

The US government spends millions of dollars every year on genetics research. The National Human Genome Research Institute has requested $633 million dollars from Congress for 2022, an increase of $17 million from their 2021 budget. The 2022 budget request cites the need “for geno...

More adults than ever have been seeking ADHD medications — an ADHD expert explains what could be driving the trend

As a woman in my 30s who was constantly typing “ADHD” into my computer, I had something interesting happen to me in 2021. I started receiving a wave of advertisements beckoning me to get online help for ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. One was a free, one-minute as...

What’s the difference between ADHD and autism?

I get questions like this in my DM’s a lot. They are also questions I am trying to not worry about so much anymore, because I think the premise of these questions is flawed. They are based on the assumption that these are concrete, biological conditions with a rigid set of symptoms that can...

How ADHD Contributes to Car Crashes, and Why it Matters

Dozens of studies confirm that those with ADHD are more likely to be involved in car accidents, including lethal ones. Any number of attributes of ADHD — impulsivity (“I need to get off at this exit now! So what if I’m in the left lane?”), poor sustained attentio...

Lost in the Shuffle: The Quiet Battle of Undiagnosed ADHD in Girls

As my six-year-old self added final touches to her drawing in art class, I looked over at the sketch of the girl seated next to me. Elegant and pristine, it faithfully matched the image we’d been assigned to reproduce. What I’d drawn looked nothing like it. It was my own rendition, wi...

6 Genuine Ways That Autism And ADHD Disable Me

One of the ways that my autism disables me regularly is that I struggle with social communication and the social demands of society. In my home life, I struggle to initiate conversations with family and friends, make small talk, and feel very uncomfortable in large gatherings. I struggle to work in ...

ADHD And Productivity: What They Don’t Tell You

I’m a successful communications professional. I’ve been in the field for about three years, scoring one promotion every year, going from intern to senior in that time. Yet I have at least one day a week when I do the bare minimum. If I had a camera crew to film a day in my life, depen...

Do and Don’ts for ADHD Brains

While living with ADHD you need understanding of what stays behind it and practice extra actions to manage daily life and mental health. It requires understanding the nuances of how this condition affects focus, energy, and emotional well-being. So I’ve summarized key aspects that could eit...

How To Deal With ADHD Meltdowns In Adults

I remember the first time I witnessed an ADHD meltdown. It was my friend, John. A brilliant mind, a creative genius, but also a man living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). We were at a party, the music was loud, the lights were bright, and the crowd was overwhelming...

A User’s Guide to ADHD With Anxiety

Many people, including some doctors I know, view ADHD and anxiety as incompatible. They mischaracterize all of those who have ADHD as happy-go-lucky daydreamers who intrude without a second thought into the personal space and conversations of others. How could someone like that be anxious? To be ...

How to Turn ADHD Into Your Superpower

You read that right. ADHD can be your superpower. For years, I struggled with my ADHD. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 17. My inattentive ADHD was harder to recognize. I wasn’t bouncing of the walls or fidgeting constantly. I was actually pretty organized and able to keep track of my s...

Signs You May Have Undiagnosed ADHD As An Adult

ADHD/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, affecting around 5–10% of children and approximately 4.4% of adults. Although ADHD is neurological and lifelong, it has only been in the last couple of decades that ADHD ha...

A Review Of Supplements Which Claim To Improve ADHD Symptoms

I am not a medical professional. My areas of expertise are psychology and mental health, in particular ADHD and Autism. I have done extensive research on these topics, but the following is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. I am neither anti-supplemen...

New ADHD Drugs, Same Old Problems

The FDA approved two new ADHD drugs this year, and they’re being marketed as shiny new medical advances. It sounds exciting, but are these drugs really new and different? Azstaryz is a stimulant developed by KemPharm, whose CEO called it “the first truly differentiated ADHD ...