Is it Autism or ADHD?

<p>Although some researchers think that the two conditions represent different developmental manifestations of the same underlying biologic causes, most of the field sees them as two distinct conditions, and have written the diagnostic definitions to reflect that.</p> <p>We diagnose individuals with ADHD when they display at least five (for adults) or six (for children) symptoms from a list of nine inattentive and nine hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Inattentive symptoms include distractibility, not listening to others, poor follow through on projects, losing objects, making errors by ignoring details, forgetfulness, and troubles with organization.</p> <p>Hyperactive/impulsive symptoms include fidgeting, restlessness, being excessively noisy, and intruding on others either verbally or physically. Symptoms must occur pervasively in multiple situations, cause distress and dysfunction, start before age 12, and can&rsquo;t be due to&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Autism ADHD