How to Turn ADHD Into Your Superpower

<p>You read that right. ADHD can be your superpower. For years, I struggled with my ADHD. I wasn&rsquo;t diagnosed until I was 17.</p> <p>My inattentive ADHD was harder to recognize. I wasn&rsquo;t bouncing of the walls or fidgeting constantly. I was actually pretty organized and able to keep track of my schoolwork.</p> <p>That said, when I was sitting still in a classroom, I wasn&rsquo;t actually paying attention. I was off in my own thoughts. Often, I&rsquo;d be thinking about sports or other activities that actually drew me in. Since I wasn&rsquo;t misbehaving blatantly and I got decent grades, teachers didn&rsquo;t notice my limitations. Looking back, I think the education system is seriously flawed. It seems ridiculous to expect kids to sit still and pay attention for 8 hours every day when the teachers aren&rsquo;t even engaged in the topics they&rsquo;re teaching.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Turn ADHD