Tag: Worlds

Apple’s Vision Pro AR Headset Is Finally Here: Blending the Real and Digital Worlds

Hey, there! I’m Gabe, and I am passionate about teaching others about Python and Machine Learning. But today, I want to share something that has me absolutely thrilled and buzzing with excitement. Apple has finally unveiled its long-awaited AR/VR headset, and it’s called the Vision Pro! ...

The Worst of Both Worlds

For a while during the pandemic, I did my grocery shopping on Saturday nights to avoid the crowds. I found that Saturday-night shoppers, especially at the height of COVID, behaved differently from the people I was used to seeing at the store on pre-pandemic weekend mornings. The store had a grim,...

Art, Perceptions, and Overlapping Worlds

I have always held onto the belief that reality is built upon perceptions. Further breaking that down, I understood that we each live in our own realities as we perceive the world differently from each other. The common world that we live in together is the shared reality that we all experience p...

The Outer Worlds Has Two Advantages Over Starfield

The release of Starfield killed my personal hype for The Outer Worlds 2 — even though Obsidian’s 2019 original is still one of my favorite games. Bethesda’s new game is cut from a similar cloth, with both games leaning heavily on the design lessons of past first...

5 Captivating Indie Games for Nintendo Switch: A Journey into Unique Worlds

Hello, fellow gamers! Today, we’re diving into the captivating world of indie games on the Nintendo Switch. As a fervent supporter of the indie scene, I’ve scoured the eShop for five intriguing titles that are sure to pique your interest. From puzzle-combat dungeon explorers to emotional...

Navigating Through Games With A Broken Moral Compass– A Fun Way To Explore Morals and Consequences in Virtual Worlds.

In exchange for an amazing gameplay experience, most of our favorite games require us to abandon our identity and ‘take on’ a new persona. In this way, video games could be considered more similar to a simulation where the line between person and player is breached — surrendering o...

Alien Worlds: Experience the thrill of New Tools in the Outpost and Shards

If you’re love games, this is where you should be. If you don’t love games, well…now you’re going to- after you’ve caught a glimpse of the Alien Worlds! The popular NFT defi metaverse in the WAX blockchain, Alien Worlds have made exciting updates in recent times; be...

How AR and VR Will Bridge Physical and Virtual Worlds

In a rapidly evolving digital age, the boundaries between our physical and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly blurred. Central to this transformative journey are Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), technologies poised to redefine our perception of reality and reshape our interacti...

Alien Worlds Metaverse

Alien Worlds is a play to earn game in the WAX blockchain. You login with your WAX wallet, find a planet, select a land, and mine TLM (Trilium) tokens. This just describes the basics of the game. There is a lot more, as beyond the initial game, a number of communities are creating around A...

The City Bridging Two Worlds

Paying homage to its proximity to the sea, the Greeks founded the seven-hilled city and named it Byzantium after a son of Poseidon. The city got renamed in 330 AD, when Emperor Constantine for strategic, religious, bureaucratic, and egotistical reasons made it the capital of the Roman empire. The ci...

Voices From The Real World II

From Mexico City we hear the voice of a bootstrapped, tech startup founder and author who has been running his SaaS business from all over the world — for more than a year — including a recent sting in Vietnam, Columbia, and, now, Mexico City. He was to return to the USA, but nixed it w...

China May Have Just Condemned The Entire World

We are rapidly approaching the Dubai COP28 summit, and there is anticipation that something massive could happen. A growing movement is calling for a fossil fuel phase-out plan to be signed at COP28 to ensure we will actually meet our goal of limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Hopes hav...

Lord of the Worlds — 1 of 4: The Rise of the Empire

“Force of nature”, “Source of mysteries” or “Guide to the universe”? Most people would not pick either of the previous three statements when asked to answer the question: “What is Islam”? They would rather stick with the more traditional “Seco...

Performative Diversity and Fictional Worlds

When I first decided to GM professionally, I signed up as a player in several paid games. One of the first games I signed up for was a Vampire the Masquerade game. During Session 0, I was overjoyed to learn that the Prince was not only a woman but a woman of color. The Sheriff and half the primogen ...

Embracing Diversity: The Imperative of Acceptance for LGBTQ+ Rights in the Modern World

In the ever-evolving landscape of human rights, the pursuit of equality has become a cornerstone of progress in the 21st century. Among the myriad of issues, the fight for gay rights has taken center stage, emphasizing the significance of acceptance in a world that increasingly recognizes the import...

Most Of The World’s Problems Could Be Solved By These 3 Things

For far to long, men have run the world. Millenia of wars, oppression, genocide, murder, destroying nations, and wiping history clean of any mention of indigenous peoples and women. The world a chess board and innocents their pawns. All in the name of religion and colonization. Exterminate the brute...

The Indians that rock the world

Pick up any book about 21st century American music and the pages will be dominated by information on the genre’s White and African-American pioneers, from Buddy Holly to James Brown to Miles Davis. It is unlikely, however, that you will read about the influence of artists with a Native America...

When Worlds Collide

My grandfather Liu Chengyu was a scholar revolutionary bent on overthrowing China’s Qing (aka Ch’ing) Dynasty in the early 1900s. He was also a poet and author. Alas, in keeping with the custom of humility in Chinese culture, he wrote little directly about himself. His anecdote...

World’s Richest Dumbest Billionaire and the Essential Avatar of ‘Whiteness’

This is an excerpt from a more comprehensive piece I wrote on the banality of ‘whiteness.’ I’d thought to write a piece on the cascade of uber wealthy saying the quiet part out loud in recent weeks, telling us — to our faces — that all those decades of working p...

The Ancient World’s Greatest Mystery: Who Were the Enigmatic Sea Peoples?

The message never reached its destination. Ugarit, a great Bronze Age metropolis, was destroyed and its inhabitants massacred. Ugarit wasn’t the only one. During the late Bronze Age, cities in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Mediterranean fell apart. Highly developed societies collap...

Exploring the Cosmos: The Fascinating World of Astrophotography

Have you ever gazed up at the night sky, marveling at the mysteries of the cosmos and wishing you could capture its beauty and wonder? Well, you’re not alone. Astrophotography, the art of photographing celestial objects and phenomena, is a captivating hobby that allows you to do just that. ...

The Many Worlds Interpretation?

Introduction to quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics is a fascinating field that explores the mysterious world of the very small. It is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. While it may seem complex and abstract, quantum mechanics has rev...

What a Wonderful World!

The only reason we can figure out the history of our Universe from the clues we detect today is that the Universe had nearly the same initial conditions everywhere. We detect particles of light, photons, that started their journey towards us as soon as the Universe became transparent, 400,000 yea...

The United States has 5% of the world’s population and uses 80% of the world’s prescription opioids.

The United States has 5% of the world’s population and uses 80% of the world’s prescription opioids. What’s up with that? And how do other countries treat pain? The opioid epidemic has wreaked havoc in the United States, but have you ever wondered if the same is true in other co...

Food and Power in the Western World

Audrey Richards (1932) is renowned as one of the foremost ground-breaking social anthropologists to merge the rigid boundaries between the natural and social sciences. An avid student of Malinowski’s, Richards was eager to learn his teachings on how social behaviour cannot be explained by scie...

Be the Change You Post in the World

The mansplaining coming from the next café table was horrendous. A man was lecturing a woman of a similar age. The topic was her illness, and Mister was going on and on about why she was “really” feeling ill, why her self-care efforts weren’t working, and more. The hap...

The Power of Fantasy: How Imaginary Worlds Shape Our Reality

On the surface, fantasies provide an escape from daily stresses. This psychological respite helps us cope with real-world troubles. However, fantasy also connects us. Shared love for fantastical narratives builds community and gives fans a sense of belonging. Online groups like Harry Potter Alliance...

Speak Daily — Intermediate Day 1— The Intriguing World of Spices

The history and diversity of spices are as rich and colorful as the flavors they impart to our food. Originating from various parts of the world, spices have played a crucial role in culinary traditions, medicine, and even in the global economy. Historically, the spice trade was a significant econom...