World’s Richest Dumbest Billionaire and the Essential Avatar of ‘Whiteness’
<p>T<strong>his is an excerpt from a more comprehensive piece I wrote on the </strong><a href="" rel="noopener"><strong>banality of ‘whiteness.’</strong></a></p>
<p>I’d thought to write a piece on the cascade of uber wealthy saying the quiet part out loud in recent weeks, telling us — to our faces — that all those decades of working people ‘complaining’ about the institutional racism, misogyny and classism that we intuited were keeping us on our knees, unable to prosper, to move forward, to thrive — all the reasons, the excuses these self-congratulatory gatekeepers had for not treating working folks with dignity, let alone paying them — was all in our heads. That all ‘we the people’ had to do was work harder, be sweeter and stop complaining and that we would be fine.</p>
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