Art, Perceptions, and Overlapping Worlds

<p>I have always held onto the belief that reality is built upon perceptions.</p> <p>Further breaking that down, I understood that we each live in our own realities as we perceive the world differently from each other. The common world that we live in together is the shared reality that we all experience physically.</p> <p>The role of an artist is to materialise their own reality in physical forms for others to perceive. In doing so, they are inviting others to step into their own world, and for them to share a little of their own world as well in the process. When our worlds overlap, many beautiful things can happen.</p> <p><strong>Artists&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; people who possess the powers to materialize their own realities into a physical form and bring it into our shared reality for others to perceive; people providing alternative ways of seeing; an alchemist who is about to bring things together, imbue them with meaning and ideas from their own reality, and sharing with others</p> <p><strong>Artworks&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; realities of artists materialized; a platform/catalyst for the overlapping of worlds; an alchemic product created through the projection of the artist&rsquo;s reality into our shared reality</p> <p><strong>Exhibitions&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; the shared reality where artworks are brought together to create a space/site for art to happen</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>