Tag: Within

The Light Within - A Journey Through the Yoga Koshas

You have a Light within you that shines brightly regardless of what you do, what you say, or the masks you wear. It doesn’t demand you act a certain way or perform certain tasks in order to shine its unconditional Loving Light on and through you. This Light is limitless and sees thro...

101 Zen Stories: Story # 13. A Buddha — The Buddha Within

In old Tokyo, two teachers named Unsho and Tanzan had opposing lifestyles. Unsho, a Shingon instructor, strictly followed Buddha’s precepts, abstaining even from food at night. Tanzan, a university professor, freely indulged in wine and sleep whenever he wished. One day, abstinent Unsho vis...

Taming the Storm Within

As I bumble along in the tranquil cocoon of my thoughts, the only company I keep is my trusty wheelchair and me. There’s no eerie chill of loneliness here. It’s rather like a comforting solitude, akin to taking a quiet pot of tea by oneself on a Sunday afternoon. You see, this faithful c...

The Wealth Within: Exploring Personal Values in the Second House

At the core of the second house lies the influence of Taurus, the steadfast earth sign, and Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Taurus, with its grounding energy, whispers, “I seek My Self through what I have.” This section peels back the layers of the cosmic canvas, unveiling the symb...

Multiracial Experience(s) & Embracing the Many Tongues Within

“What are you?” This is a question that many multiracial people have heard time and time again. It highlights the reality that in the USA, when we first meet someone, we are socially accustomed to categorize them racially before we get to know them personally and holistically. While this...

Observing Within and Without

Journaling, an enduring practice that transcends time and culture, serves not only as a personal archive but also as a profound means of engaging with the world. It offers a unique lens through which the daily life is both observed and interpreted. The act of journaling, evolving alongside technolog...