Multiracial Experience(s) & Embracing the Many Tongues Within

<p>&ldquo;What are you?&rdquo; This is a question that many multiracial people have heard time and time again. It highlights the reality that in the USA, when we first meet someone, we are socially accustomed to categorize them racially before we get to know them personally and holistically. While this question is much better than a color-blindness approach, and can seem innocent, the reality is that each human being is ultimately&nbsp;<em>a who,&nbsp;</em>not a what. And as people and not objects, we long to be known as such. Each of our lives is filled with incredible creativity, complexity, diversity, and endless potentiality. Being a person who lives in the context of a racially charged and oppressive country, and as one who identifies as multiracial (I am Hakka Chinese and Chicano), I have had to find the courage to embrace my entire self and not let monoracial paradigms prevent me from celebrating my personal story. I have discovered that this is a deeply spiritual process.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tongues Within