101 Zen Stories: Story # 13. A Buddha — The Buddha Within

<p>In old Tokyo, two teachers named Unsho and Tanzan had opposing lifestyles. Unsho, a Shingon instructor, strictly followed Buddha&rsquo;s precepts, abstaining even from food at night. Tanzan, a university professor, freely indulged in wine and sleep whenever he wished.</p> <p>One day, abstinent Unsho visited Tanzan, who was drinking wine against Buddha&rsquo;s precepts. &ldquo;Have a drink!&rdquo; said Tanzan. &ldquo;I never drink!&rdquo; replied Unsho.</p> <p>&ldquo;One who doesn&rsquo;t drink is not human,&rdquo; stated Tanzan. &ldquo;Then if I&rsquo;m not human, what am I?&rdquo; challenged Unsho. &ldquo;A Buddha,&rdquo; answered Tanzan.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@selfhelpchampion4/101-zen-stories-story-13-a-buddha-the-buddha-within-9987256b35ff"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buddha Within