The Light Within - A Journey Through the Yoga Koshas

<p><strong><em>You have a Light within you</em></strong>&nbsp;that shines brightly regardless of what you do, what you say, or the masks you wear. It doesn&rsquo;t demand you act a certain way or perform certain tasks in order to shine its unconditional Loving Light on and through you.</p> <blockquote> <p>This Light is limitless and sees through all false beliefs you have created about yourself and the world.</p> </blockquote> <p>It shines unconditionally through shame, fear, doubt, and unworthiness, melting these false beliefs like the sun melts the early morning fog.</p> <p>You are so much more than the body you currently inhabit, the galaxy of thoughts that occupy your consciousness, the waves of emotions that flow through you. I have heard it said this way, you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.&rdquo;</p> <blockquote> <p>The body is an entry point to Spirit, not a stopping point!</p> </blockquote> <p>The Yogis say that the body is a gift and a temple for the Divine Spirit to shine through. Honor the body, care for it, and use it to access and recognize your limitless Nature.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="*myy_XEzpGYF4_4Bb_mTNgw.png" style="height:576px; width:576px" /></a></p> <p>Discover more with our Online Course. click the photo for details.</p> <p>Ancient Eastern scriptures describe five veils or sheaths you wear like layers of clothing covering the limitless Light within you. Each layer provides you with unique ways of interacting in the world. The body is only the first layer or the last layer depending on how you look at it.</p> <p>These veils, or Koshas as they are called in Eastern philosophy, describe the different layers of the human being. They are also known as &ldquo;sheaths&rdquo; because they represent the different aspects of a person&rsquo;s being, from the physical body to the spiritual essence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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