Tag: Winter

The Crypto Winter Is About to Become a Crypto Ice Age

The crypto market has just witnessed “one of history’s greatest-ever destructions of wealth.” I won’t claim to fully understand the complexities of the saga involving the FTX exchange, Alameda Research and recently dethroned Crypto Golden Boy Sam Bankman-Fried. I...

Winter Hill Gang- ALBERT “BUD” PLUMMER, 46

A week and a couple of days after murdering Milano, Martorano and Winter took another ride with their automatic weapons in a vehicle being driven by Jimmy Sims. Martorano again places Whitey in another car with them — the crash car. As I understand it, the crash car is to block people who go a...


The former head of the federal organized crime strike force, Jeremiah “Jerry” O’Sullivan, was asked at hearing before a Congressional Committee about Howie’s actions. O’Sullivan answered something to the effect: “what gang are you talking about? The Winter gang or...

Drab: New England Winter Chic

On a recent evening, H and I were walking home late from a night out. Walking home late — from a bar at our nearest square, the T station, a friend’s house, it doesn’t matter — on a winter evening means we were walking on cracked gray sidewalk, swaddled in jackets, gloved han...

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Chicago Winter

I’ve now had the same conversation with two different people in the course of a week — the same conversation that I seem to have once every couple of months — the “Chicago winter isn’t going to kill you” conversation with someone who has just moved here from warme...

Nordic Winter: Noma and Jul Board

The darkness of Swedish winter is all consuming. The sun rises for what feels like mere momentary glimpses at a time. And yet, the most communal solace I found in my year and a half in Sweden was in the winter months. The populous takes it upon themselves to lighten up the season. As the nights get ...

Winter Solstice - Dancing In The Dark…And Light

John Cantwell writes about the true meaning of the Winter Solstice ahead of the City of Dublin Winter Solstice Festival. You might miss it, but in the days running up towards the peak of Christmas fever, you can hear mention of Winter Solstice. So often the TV news on the evening of December 21st...

Dōngzhi (Winter Solstice Day)

First of all, I would like to thank you Katie again, for suggesting me to write a post sharing about the Chinese version of Thanksgiving Day = The Winter Solstice Day= Dōngzhi. (冬至) Let me explain briefly, this is the day with the longest night of the year, and Winter(Dōng) arri...

Glorious Melbourne Winter Mornings

The man I live with hates mornings: I love them. The earlier the better. If I could go for a walk at 4.30 am, when I normally wake, I would. The man wakes up at 8 am and stares at me with bleary-eyed accusation. He can’t imagine how I am so chipper and full of beans at the time. By 8 am, I ...

Long Island Railroad Winter Cleaning

“Cold enough fer youse? Twenny-five feels like zippo degrees eff cause a da wind chill factory, an onna account a our frozen hearts. I’s figgered da winta was so bad dat da spring would a rolled smoodly right in widdout missin a beat, icebergs chasin da Titanic, Son, freezin-ass blizz...

5 Unique Experiences to Have in Paris this Winter

When you think of Paris, what comes to mind? The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and croissants, right? But beyond the tourist clichés, the City of Light offers a treasure trove of unique experiences that will leave you with unforgettable memories and stories to tell. So, grab your beret, and let&r...

Prague — A Winter Wonderland

I was a little taken aback by this, and my initial reaction was to question whether the author had ever visited Prague in the snow. Actually, TBH, that was my second reaction. My first wasn’t suitable for a family-oriented blog! Like many cities, Prague, in the snow, is far from being a good p...

Bodysurfing San Francisco When the Epic Winter Swells Arrived (Part 1)

I’m perched at the top of a 15-foot moving mountain of ice-cold water, and a voice in my head is screaming at me to pull out and let this wave pass. At this point I’m committed to the ride, and as the water sucks up the face of the wave and the lip starts to pitch out and over, it now me...

Excuse me, did you just say, Winter?

Winter is a season that can be both magical and scary, especially if you’re not used to the cold. When I experienced my first winter, I was excited to go out and play in the snow. I got myself a new pair of boots from Walmart, thinking they would help me walk confidently on the icy streets. Bu...

Top 10 Things to Do in Guelph, Ontario During the Winter

Guelph is a city situated in southwestern Ontario and is located about 100km from Toronto. Its relatively close access to Toronto makes it a popular place to visit or even settle down in. Guelph has been named one of Canada’s most livable places. Guelph offers people a number of attractions...

PRESS RELEASE: A week of tent removals and “Park sweeps” after call for winter moratorium

Volunteers and legal observers continue to document tents seized and discarded by Park Board rangers and city workers in Downtown Eastside parks, despite a call for a winter moratorium and an outright denial of the practice. Less than 24 hours after issuing a statement saying they don&r...

The Best Things To Do In Vancouver This Winter

Winter in Vancouver is a truly magical time of year. With its stunning natural beauty, vibrant cultural scene, and countless outdoor activities, there’s no shortage of things to do and see in this picturesque Canadian city. If you are planning a trip to Vancouver this winter, add the...

Solar’s Winter Dilemma: Are Home Batteries Enough?

Last year, I generated 4800 kWh of electricity from solar panels, the exact amount that I consumed. Is it fair to say that 100% of my energy is solar? Officially the answer is “yes”, thanks to Renewable Energy Credits and net metering provisions. Functionally, it’s a little more co...

Winter Brain — Navigating the Seasonal Shifts in Mind and Mood

How people may experience difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, or feeling mentally sluggish during the winter months? In winter, some people struggle with concentration, memory, and feeling mentally sluggish. Cold weather and less sunlight can be the culprits. The body conserves energy in the...

What Happens to Bats in the Pacific Northwest Winter?

Some bat species will migrate long distances in the fall to warmer climates where insects are more plentiful. In the Pacific Northwest, the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) is known for its long-distance travels; in one study this species was found to fly more than 1,000 km during its migration. Not mu...

Planning to experience snow in India? Here’s your winter travel checklist

As soon as it’s October, there’s this urge for every millennial to plan a holiday trip during December to some exotic location. As the snow season in India is from from November to March, most of the travellers end up planning a trip to snowy destinations like Manali, Gulmarg o...

I hiked on 1500m mountain shirtless. In winter

Middle of December in Poland’s winter capital — Zakopane. The highest mountain range of Poland, Tatry, is around us. Including the highest peak Rysy (2499m). The thermometer reads three degrees Celsius below zero, mountain trails covered with a thick carpet of snow. Here and there you ca...

How to Winter Hike: Essential Roundup

Embarking on your first winter hiking adventure can be both exhilarating and daunting, and this comprehensive list of resources is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to delve into the serene beauty of winter trails. Winter hiking offers a unique perspective on familiar landscapes, tran...

The Scary Hypothermia in Winter

As the winter months approach, it is important to educate ourselves about potential risks to our health. One such risk is hypothermia, a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when our body loses heat faster than it can produce. By understanding its risks and early signs, we can ta...

Solar’s Winter Dilemma: Are Home Batteries Enough?

Last year, I generated 4800 kWh of electricity from solar panels, the exact amount that I consumed. Is it fair to say that 100% of my energy is solar? Officially the answer is “yes”, thanks to Renewable Energy Credits and net metering provisions. Functionally, it’s a little more co...

Winter Wildlife Sanctuaries: Birdwatching in Goa

As winter blankets the coastal paradise of Goa, a different kind of spectacle unfolds — one that captures the hearts of nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers alike. In this blog, we explore the rich avian diversity that graces Goa’s wildlife sanctuaries during the winter months, turning th...

Staying (very) close to home for wildlife photography + dealing with winter blues

I have an evergreen hedge that runs along the length of my back garden, and it is home to a healthy population of house sparrows. They wait eagerly at the top of the hedge as I put out the bird seed, and when their chicks leave the nest, I am delighted to watch the young bird being fed by the adults...

Winter Solstice Horoscopes

This Winter Solstice has packed a bit of a punch to it this year. The mood is tired, slow, intentional, and has all of us contemplating various aspects of, well, us. The Winter Solstice, in an energetic sense, has always felt like a pause in time. This seems to be a moment in the year where every...

Winter Solstice Horoscopes

This Winter Solstice has packed a bit of a punch to it this year. The mood is tired, slow, intentional, and has all of us contemplating various aspects of, well, us. The Winter Solstice, in an energetic sense, has always felt like a pause in time. This seems to be a moment in the year where every...

Navigating Winter Dandruff: Effective Strategies and When to Seek Help

The winter chill can bring more than just cozy evenings and festive cheer. For many, it also ushers in a familiar foe — dandruff. This common scalp condition, characterized by dry, itchy flakes, can be frustrating and impact self-confidence. But before you resign yourself to a season of sca...

6 Herbs for Vibrant Winter Health

Maladies surround us in the winter. We are forever attempting to fend them off. Colds, the flu, and worse, it can feel like an uphill battle to stay healthy. Herbs are abundant in the summer. Fortunately for us we can piggyback on the experience of individuals from the past, and modern research, ...

Layering Like a Pro: Incorporating T-Shirts into Winter Outfits

Here are some creative layering techniques to incorporate t-shirts into your winter outfits: 1. T-Shirt and Cardigan: Start with a long-sleeved t-shirt as your base layer and add a lightweight cardigan on top. This combination offers warmth without bulk. 2. T-Shirt Under a Sweater: Layer your ...

3 Winter Trends You’ll Love

Drape it like a Greek figure over an open winter coat and you’re in. Only one side of the scarf goes straight down, highlighting your body symmetry. It has to be in the middle because it’s front and centre of your winter apparel signature. No more wrapping around your neck like a b...