Glorious Melbourne Winter Mornings

<p>The man I live with hates mornings: I love them. The earlier the better. If I could go for a walk at 4.30 am, when I normally wake, I would. The man wakes up at 8 am and stares at me with bleary-eyed accusation. He can&rsquo;t imagine how I am so chipper and full of beans at the time.</p> <p>By 8 am, I have normally finished most of my morning chores, including two hours of writing, having my turmeric-infused warm water, Indian chai latte, and muffins.</p> <p>I used to wait for him to accompany me on walks; but he used to look at me, scowling, and I usually gave up.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>