Tag: Wilderness

PromptDervish Cookbook #9 — Enchanted Wilderness

Welcome to the ninth installment of the PromptDervish Cookbook series! This time, we’re journeying deep into the heart of the Enchanted Wilderness — a realm where nature is imbued with magic, forests murmur secrets, and the very air seems to shimmer with a mystical aura. If you’re ...

Waking up to the Sounds of the Wilderness

As the sun was rising on the horizon appearing behind the mountains, the first rays were warming up our tent. I was gently waking up to the lovely sound of the river flowing just meters from our tent while the cries of the seagulls were already filling the valley. It had been a cold night and we ...

Wilderness Therapy — Activities, Benefits, and Relations to Rites of Passage

Nowadays, we may live in more stressful times than in the past. Research published in the journal American Psychologist indicates that day-to-day stress and a sense of lower overall well-being were significantly elevated in the 2010s compared to the 1990s (Almeida, et.al., 2020). Moreover, according...

Waking up to the Sounds of the Wilderness

As the sun was rising on the horizon appearing behind the mountains, the first rays were warming up our tent. I was gently waking up to the lovely sound of the river flowing just meters from our tent while the cries of the seagulls were already filling the valley. It had been a cold night and we ...

Finding Foot and Hand Holds on a Hike Through Pristine Wilderness

When we stopped in the forest and the sound of our steps disappeared one felt overwhelmed by the deep sounds of the forest. The light chirping of the birds mixed with the constant buzzing of insects while the background sound of the roaring river never changed. What a day it had been. We woke up ...

Hiking in Thailand’s Remote Wilderness

Birds are singing, cicadas chirping, and insects humming. Now and then a leaf is tumbling down from the high treetops. The forest is buzzing. Full of life. But no signs of humans. Just our footsteps are to be heard rustling on the foliage of the forest floor. We’re hiking on a nature trail ...

hiking for three days in the Sisters Wilderness, Oregon

Early July is the wrong time to visit this area, most trails will have snow and the trails that I wanted to hike had extra snow and …………………. a billion mosquitos trying to eat me. But I am definitely coming back next year at the correct time. I stay...