Waking up to the Sounds of the Wilderness

<p>As the sun was rising on the horizon appearing behind the mountains, the first rays were warming up our tent. I was gently waking up to the lovely sound of the river flowing just meters from our tent while the cries of the seagulls were already filling the valley.</p> <p>It had been a cold night and we know for certain now we need warmer sleeping bags but wearing all the clothes we had with us did allow us to get some decent sleep at least.</p> <p>And now that the sun is up again, I can hear the buzzing outside and see the sandflies through the net. I won&#39;t get out of the tent before preparing myself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/waking-up-to-the-sounds-of-the-wilderness-34edf0eee3df"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>