Hiking in Thailand’s Remote Wilderness

<p>Birds are singing, cicadas chirping, and insects humming. Now and then a leaf is tumbling down from the high treetops. The forest is buzzing. Full of life. But no signs of humans. Just our footsteps are to be heard rustling on the foliage of the forest floor.</p> <p>We&rsquo;re hiking on a nature trail in one of Thailand&rsquo;s most remote regions bordering Laos. The&nbsp;<em>Nan Province</em>&nbsp;is located far North of the country and is characterized by the&nbsp;<em>Nan River Valley</em>&nbsp;which is surrounded by two massive mountain ranges.</p> <p>On the eastern side of the province, the&nbsp;<em>Luang Prabang Range</em>&nbsp;raises up to 2,000 meters into the sky. Part of the mountains was declared a National Park in 1999 in an effort to protect its virgin rainforest.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/hiking-in-thailands-remote-wilderness-87639d9e3a07"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>