Tag: Weeks

AI Company Valued at $260 Million. It’s Only Four Weeks Old.

Before you read my article, take a quick look at this website. Seems like the most ‘mid’ website ever, right? Literally three lines of text, a cinematic background, and a link to contact the team. A high-school project at most. The reason for this is sim...

How To Plan Your Days and Weeks Effectively

Whether a day is productive or not depends on you. You’re the independent variable. Think of it like going to the gym… You don’t say “I hope to work on my legs today.” It’s more like, “I’m working legs today.” The exercises and in...

Day 1: Gearing up Internally for 4 Weeks of Intensity

Today, Sunday, was dedicated to topping off our pre-work sessions with everyone in the same room for the first time. Seeing as in the middle of November we will all have graduated as SAP Social Sabbatical alumni and mentors, Eugene Ho, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility for East Asia an...

How 8 Weeks in Dublin Gave Me the Shock of My Life!

Nothing prepares you for the culture shock you experience once you settle in Dublin. The sights, the smells and the frenetic pace at which life ebbs and flows in this city is simply staggering. After the heady mix of novelty and euphoria in the first weeks, the veneer and sheen of a new place soo...

Fashion Weeks Beyond the Big Four

Georgia’s fashion scene shines through Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi, a platform for local designers to make their mark on the global stage. The event showcases the country’s rising fashion stars, creating a buzz among international media and buyers. Gaining global recognition, T...