How 8 Weeks in Dublin Gave Me the Shock of My Life!

<p>Nothing prepares you for the culture shock you experience once you settle in Dublin. The sights, the smells and the frenetic pace at which life ebbs and flows in this city is simply staggering.</p> <p>After the heady mix of novelty and euphoria in the first weeks, the veneer and sheen of a new place soon wears off and vanishes. After taking in everything in and exploring most of the city, I ask myself, what&#39;s next?</p> <p>The dreams of grandeur that I naively entertained on the plane coming here soon dissipate like ether. Conversations with acquaintances and those who have walked the path before me counsel about one thing &mdash; patience.</p> <p>Having the patience of a monk is the holy grail for any smooth transition into a new place they say. So, how long should I expect to slug it out in the wilderness? I ask.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dublin Weeks