Tag: Variables

Data Security with Environment Variables and Code Modularization.

There is a need to be security cautious about our data and the information we transfer across the internet given the rise in cyberspace vulnerability. In my most recent job, I’ve been utilizing Application Programming Interfaces (API), where users are required to employ authentication keys in ...

JavaScript Cheat Sheet for Quick Reference (Beginners Guide)

A Javascript cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides quick and easy access to the language’s standard syntax and coding features. It can be used by novice programmers and experienced developers to quickly review basic concepts, find solutions to common problems, or research unfamiliar la...

Create Stunning Radar Plots with Matplotlib

Radar plots (also known as spider plots or radar charts) are a popular data visualisation tool that allows us to compare datasets by displaying multiple variables simultaneously on a 2-dimensional plot. Each variable is represented by a spoke extending from the plot's centre to the edge, and ...

Mastering JavaScript Scopes: Unveiling the Magic Behind Variables

Greetings, aspiring developers and JavaScript enthusiasts! Are you ready to delve deep into the intricate world of JavaScript scopes? Join me on this illuminating journey as we unravel the mysteries of variable contexts, closures, and the temporal dead zone. By the end of this article, you’ll ...

SQL Variables in Databricks

In the above code, I am making use of the year_variable variable. This was a slight workaround previously and followed an odd syntax with using ${var.variable_name}. This workaround did not work in the Databricks SQL interface and only in the notebooks. So now that we have the officia...

Stop passing variables Helm the wrong way

In modern software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines are essential. They allow for the automatic and consistent deployment of applications. The helm-set plugin is a valuable tool in this context, allowing you to pass (dynamic/secret) environment variables...

Variables: You Can’t Deny Chemistry

In science, variables are the key components in your basic lab experiment. You have your independent variables, the factors that cause change. Let’s say, a new type of fertilizer. You have your dependent variable, the factor you choose to observe. Say, a flower given this fertilizer. You also ...

Understanding Instrumental Variables

A/B tests are the golden standard of causal inference because they allow us to make valid causal statements under minimal assumptions, thanks to randomization. In fact, by randomly assigning a treatment (a drug, ad, product, …), we are able to compare the outcome of i...

Categorical variables in distance computations

Doing this mapping results in a dimensional expansion of the problem space (3 dimensions instead of 1), though those dimensions are flatter. Well, the dimensions are not flatter; those are flat by definition. But the geometry of the problem is (flatter). We like to think of this as unwrapping&n...

Logistic Regression Explained

Linear regression models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. The goal is to minimize the sum of squared errors — the squared differences between observed values and the values pre...

GGplot Logistic Model with More than One Predicting Variables

Background Story: One day, my boss asked me to run a Logistic Regression model aval= dlevel+d2 and plot the result. After reviewing the output, she generated a modification part for a new data set that will reflect the d2 variable in the model and asked me to try again. Without...