JavaScript Cheat Sheet for Quick Reference (Beginners Guide)

<p>A Javascript cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides quick and easy access to the language&rsquo;s standard syntax and coding features. It can be used by novice programmers and experienced developers to quickly review basic concepts, find solutions to common problems, or research unfamiliar language features.</p> <h1>Introduction :</h1> <h2>Comments</h2> <p>Comments can also be used to temporarily disable parts of a program so that the code can be tested and documented.</p> <pre> // This line will denote a Single line comment /* This line will denote a Multi line comment */ </pre> <h2><strong>Console</strong></h2> <p>The&nbsp;<strong>console</strong>&nbsp;in JavaScript is used to record information as part of the debugging process.</p> <pre> // =&gt; Good Morning! console.log(&#39;Good Morning!&#39;); // =&gt; Good Morning! console.warn(&#39;Good %s&#39;, &#39;Morning!&#39;); // Prints error message to stderr console.error(new Error(&#39;OH No!&#39;));</pre> <h2>Variables</h2> <p>Variables are names assigned to parts of a computer program and store values ​​that can change during program execution.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>