Create Stunning Radar Plots with Matplotlib

<p>Radar plots (also known as spider plots or radar charts) are a popular data visualisation tool that allows us to compare datasets by displaying multiple variables simultaneously on a 2-dimensional plot.</p> <p>Each variable is represented by a spoke extending from the plot&#39;s centre to the edge, and the magnitude of that variable is represented by how far along the spoke it is. Lines are then drawn between each of the variables to form a web-like shape.</p> <p>Within geoscience and petrophysics, we can use radar plots to compare how lithologies vary between wells or display mineralogy variations between rock samples.</p> <p>Within this tutorial, I will illustrate how we can create a radar plot using some synthetic lithology data. The data represents the average lithologies encountered within a well.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>