Tag: Valuable

How to Create Valuable Data Tests

Data quality has been widely discussed over the past year. The increasing adoption of data contracts, data products, and data observability tools certainly shows data practitioners’ commitment to providing high-quality data to their consumers. We all love to see this! One essential building...

How to Create Valuable Data Tests

Data quality has been widely discussed over the past year. The increasing adoption of data contracts, data products, and data observability tools certainly shows data practitioners’ commitment to providing high-quality data to their consumers. We all love to see this! One essential building...

SpaceX Could Become The Most Valuable Company In 2050.

Let’s go back 15 years in time. Would you have believed me if I’d told you, “Hey, in 15 years, Apple, the iPhone company will be the world’s most valuable company. Oh, and Will Smith will slap Chris Rock in the Oscars.” Honestly, I would’ve believed the sl...

My Most Valuable Life Lesson — When You Do The Right Thing, You Don’t Have To Redo

I like order. Thanks to my sons and life I learned that when you do the right things, you don’t have to re-do anything. Can you imagine having to regrow your children after they become an adult? With children, you learn from them while raising them. My son teased, “Mom, you are ...

The Most Valuable Thing I Learned in University Wasn’t in a Classroom

“I think I want to change my major,” my friend’s child, in her first year at university, tells her. I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m at the point where my friends’ kids are going off to college. Some of them are struggling with the transition, which is ...

A Man Famous for Not Talking Taught Us a Valuable Lesson When He Spoke About Free Speech.

Society has become insufferably high maintenance. We’re as touchy as a loaded spring. We’ve forgotten how to argue and debate without tearing each other’s heads off, and we silence those with a different point of view. We’re prickly to even the mildest adverse commen...

From Egyptian University to London Corporates: Valuable Lessons Learned

The younger version of myself always dreamt about traveling and exploring, as a five-year-old, I observed close relatives such as my uncles and older cousins venturing to Europe and America in pursuit of advanced degrees like Ph.D. and Masters. Their journeys, coupled with the admiration my family h...

Master Networking In 5 Minutes: A Guide to Valuable Connections

Networking can feel intimidating and, sometimes, even a bit uncomfortable. Picture this: You walk into an event, and it seems everyone already knows each other, chatting away like old pals. And there you spot a lone individual, so you gather the courage to approach him. But as soon as you do, ...

9 Websites That Are So Valuable That They Feel Illegal To Know

Otter.ai is an AI transcription tool that converts any audio (like podcasts), meetings or video you upload to the platform into text. It is an amazing AI meeting assistant which can help you record conversations, transcribe user interviews, take notes & generate summaries, making your meeti...

Valuable Strategies For Effective Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

While I am acutely aware that the issue of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) can often be a source of contentious partisan political debates, allow me to begin by asking us to step outside our politics and ask ourselves if we genuinely support or oppose “diversity”, “equity&rd...

The Most Valuable Place on Earth

Sure, per secular square inch, some billionaire’s Bluetooth is effectively pretty valuable. Taylor Swift’s brain and even her cat’s boxes might scratch out inconceivable wealth by the second. Many would speculate Dubai may have the world’s most massive stash at some casino, o...

10 (More) Incredibly Valuable Dating Lessons I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago

Recently, I published an article on the most important dating lessons I've learned over the last decade that would've saved me a lot of time and stress. Well, I was just getting started. Because there are a lot more lessons that I learned. (I just didn't want to write ...