A Man Famous for Not Talking Taught Us a Valuable Lesson When He Spoke About Free Speech.
<p>Society has become insufferably high maintenance.</p>
<p>We’re as touchy as a loaded spring.</p>
<p>We’ve forgotten how to argue and debate without tearing each other’s heads off, and we silence those with a different point of view.</p>
<p>We’re prickly to even the mildest adverse comment.</p>
<p>Comedian Rowan Atkinson stuttered his entire school life and was called <em>“alien face”</em> because of his looks.</p>
<p>Today, people recognise him as one of the biggest success stories ever emerging from comedy, and his costars say he’s a “<em>comedy genius”.</em></p>
<p><em>Atkinson</em> realised that his stammer faded whenever he played a character other than himself, which marked a humongous breakthrough in his acting and performing career.</p>
<p>Despite this, his quirky looks were the second major hurdle that got him rejected for roles.</p>
<p>So he created a show centred on a character that was his spirit animal and settled on the name of a vegetable: <em>Mr. Bean.</em></p>
<p>During prime-time viewing, a UK television network gave Atkinson’s show a one-off 30-minute slot on New Year’s Day in 1990.</p>
<p><em>Mr Bean</em> was broadcast right after <em>Coronation Street</em>, which in Britain is the most popular and longest-running soap opera in history.</p>
<p>With 13.5 million viewers sitting at home, the luck of timing and the show’s genius catapulted <em>Mr. Bean</em> into a household name after one performance.</p>
<p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/a-man-famous-for-not-talking-taught-us-a-valuable-lesson-when-he-spoke-about-free-speech-5d0fbfc73012"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>