Tag: Universe

Indie Game Developer E1- Bad AI took control of Biggest Universe Sector

What is Apes Ascendance? An Epic dystopian fantasy in distant space-time. Action, Survival-Strategy Video Game, MMPORG with real utility tokens (tokenomics). My mission is to empower the Apes Ascendance community powered by Ethereum L2 Myria. I will work hard to create a new Devlog e...

Music gives a soul to the Universe

As we continue to push the prototype game client in terms of smoother gameplay, card balancing, and refining our mechanics. We also try and find room to fit in some quality-of-life elements that raise the overall experience of playing a prototype game that is still in early development. With that...

Level Up Your Brain: The Cognitive Power of Nintendo’s Universe

In the captivating aftermath of the recent Nintendo Direct, let’s embark on an exploration journey of an often-overlooked aspect of our beloved Nintendo franchises. From the majestic realms of The Legend of Zelda, to the complex battles of Pokémon, the enigmatic landscape...

Miss Universe Australia’s Story is just one of many: The Culture of Sexism at Melbourne’s Top Schools

In Australian primary schools, getting a year 6 jacket is one of the year's highlights- a symbol of seniority and maturity, a way to let the year 5s know that you rule the school. I felt a rush of excitement as my teachers fitted me for my jumper and as I watched my friends design the back- 2015...

Why The Universe Loves You Unconditionally (and you should too)

New age spirituality says there is no lack of abundance, it’s all around us. There is no lack of money either. It’s being stuck in the matrix of past conditioning that makes us believe in the lack mentality. Abundance, wealth, joy, and love are all energy and if we are at the same fre...

The story of how Arjuna won the greatest weapon of entire universe : The Pashupatastra

Pashupatastra is the most destructive and powerful irresistible weapon mentioned in the hindu scriptures. It is an irresistible and the most destructive personal weapon of Lord Shiva, Kali and Aadhi Parashakti which can be discharged by the mind, the eyes, words or a bow. It is said that this weapon...

Hello Universe…it’s me, Lumi

I was stepping off the uptown 6 subway and jumbled into a crowd of early morning commuters. It was November 14th, 2013. I was 23, and this was the inevitable breaking point in my life that somehow invited a new paradigm in my waking consciousness. Observing the morning computers, they all had the sa...

Tune in with your inner universe!

For years I had never known what it means to stay calm….and by that I mean in the head ;) For someone whose mind was always bursting with questions , who lived in an imaginary future or with a painful memory of the past, my life was a daunting dish that I believed ‘someone’ els...

How to Connect with the Universe and Shift Your Reality

Introduction: Embracing the Universe’s Wisdom Have you ever felt like the Universe has a secret language, speaking to us through the intricate web of life’s lessons and strokes of luck? It’s like an invisible force nudging us toward personal growth and transformation. Today,...

An Experiment the Universe Is Conducting Right Now

When I was teaching high school, students often asked: If it’s true that humans are (or can be) compassionate, why is there so much human-caused suffering and hurt in the world? One scientific experiment greatly influenced, for decades, how many people thought about this question. This...

I’m often asked why is it that I assume that all white people are racist?

“There are three classes of people in the known universe based on colour: White supremacists/Racist White people Non-white people And number 2 & 3 must be prepared to be subjected to mistreatment by number 1 regardless of race, creed, colour, religion or gender, during all 9...

Why Do All the Miss Universe Winners Look White?

The annual Miss Universe competition just wrapped up this week, and every year, I find myself tuning in to the Miss Universe Thailand (MUT) competition that leads up to the world stage and the buzz surrounding it. Each year, I skim through the videos of contestants, observing their poise and eleganc...

What was it like when the Sun was born?

Although the Universe was only two-thirds of its present age back when the Sun was first forming, things back then were already very similar to how they are today. The Milky Way appeared relatively isolated: the second-largest member of a relatively modest group of galaxies. Low-mass dwarf galaxies ...

Thought Experiment: The Big Bang

The last star in the universe hurled toward the singularity sending its final bit of mass down the rabbit hole to join the trillions of trillions of stars already there. The stars of an entire universe compressed smaller than the size of an atom. Once the final star disappeared beyond the event hori...

How recently have we understood the Universe?

This particular image contrasts the constellations of the sky as they appeared thousands of years ago with corresponding artwork carved into stone at around the same time. Evidence that ancient peoples had an advanced knowledge of astronomy can be traced back as far as 38,000 years ago from cave...

Our Universe wasn’t empty, even before the Big Bang

When it comes to the physical Universe, the notion of “nothing” may truly be possible only in theory, not in practice. As we see the Universe today, it appears full of stuff: matter, radiation, antimatter, neutrinos, and even dark matter and dark energy, despite the fact that we don&rsqu...

What was it like when the Universe formed the most stars?

If you dare to look out at the wide variety of galaxies found across the Universe, you’ll see that they tell a vastly different set of stories from one another. The largest, most massive variety of galaxy are the giant ellipticals, many of which haven’t formed any new stars over the latt...

The expanding Universe: 100 years later

From the moment in 1915 that Einstein released his General theory of Relativity out into the world, he knew he had a Universe-sized problem to reckon with. His new theory of gravitation was incredible in many ways. It reproduced all of its predecessor’s (Newtonian gravity’s) successes, f...

Ask Ethan: How did we prove the Big Bang took place?

Of all the great mysteries out there in the Universe, perhaps the greatest one of all is the question of our cosmic origin, “where did all this come from?” For countless millennia, we told one another stories: of a fiery birth, of the separation of light from dark, of order emerging from...

Ask Ethan: How does dark energy accelerate the Universe?

It’s all too easy to accept what we know — or think we know — without examining it too critically. But when it comes to the great mysteries of our cosmic reality, that close, critical examination is exactly what’s required to help us truly, deeply understand what’s at p...

The Universe consists of all that has been, is or will be…

The cosmos consists of everything that has been, is or will be, at least as far as we know. The information we can access or observe is not infinite, but it is vast. Today we can see objects 46 billion light years away. But of the trillions and trillions of galaxies out there, only about 6% of th...

The Universe Unfolds: From the Big Bang to Milky Way’s Genesis

Whenever we look around, there is always something that can be seen, and all the visible things have their own history. The buildings we live in. the devices we use, and the food we eat originated from somewhere. The building originates from cement bags, devices from factories, and food from farms b...

Episode 60 of Stories from Space — The Dark Universe — is now Live!

This week was a bit of a treat for me personally since I got to delve into something really astrophysical and theoretical! To break it down, in 1916, Einstein placed the finishing touches on his Theory of General Relativity (GR), which explained how gravity alters the curvature of spacetime, matter ...

The Most Effective Way to Delete the Universe

Imagine this, you are living on Earth, going about your everyday mundane life, attending meetings, getting scolded by your boss, eating that same leftover from yesterday and currently going through a divorce. Life is bad. You are thinking that it could not be that worse, and suddenly lights off. You...

Timeline of the Universe

The first stars were born when the universe was around 100 million years old and were made entirely of hydrogen and helium, which made heavier elements in their core. As for galaxies, they formed all over for the first 1–2 billion years of the universe, all of which eventually led to the Milky...

Dr. Leen Kawas Highlights Biotechnology Venture Capital Firms’ Key Role In The Investment Landscape — Universe News Network

As biotechnology advancements continue across the globe, funding these innovations requires a sustained effort from the respective companies involved. Investment types typically include equity investments, venture capital allocations, and public offerings. Each firm’s biotechnology focus and d...

Does the universe work like a TARDIS?

I’m not sure where it came from originally. This one was posted by the prolific Cliff Pickover without credit. The interesting thing about this problem is that, as the description says, it can be solved with only a pre-schooler’s knowledge. The apparent complexity hides a deeper simpl...

Are There More Stars in the Universe or Grains of Sand on Earth?

The age-old question of whether there are more stars in the universe or grains of sand on Earth has piqued the curiosity of both scientists and laypeople alike. To tackle this fascinating conundrum, we must dive into the depths of the cosmos and the expanses of our home planet. Let’s begin ...

The Imperfect Universe

Here’s a fun fact: Nearly every single song you’ve ever listened to has been out of tune. Ever-so-slightly out of tune, but out of tune nonetheless. That’s because all modern instruments are tuned using a method called Equal Temperament. In a nutshell, Equal Temperament mak...

Euclid: The Secrets of the Dark Universe

The first images from a new telescope are often spectacular. By and large they show the things we’ve come to expect from space: the stars and the galaxies, the nebulae and the dust clouds. Sometimes, thanks to better optics and sensors, their visions seem a little brighter or sharper than befo...

Ask Ethan: Is our Universe truly matter-dominated?

Here in our own backyard, matter is common, while antimatter is rare. In fact, except for high-energy reactions that produce equal amounts of matter and antimatter — things like electron-positron pairs, for example — there’s absolutely no antimatter found anywhere that we look. All...

Is Our Universe Euclidean or Non-Euclidean?

For the record, I am on the fence whether the universe is flat or curved (or the shape of a torus, sphere, etc.), but just like how we have discovered that the earth is not flat, it got me wondering and others questioning the familiar geometry that we know and love — Euclidean or “flat&r...

The Universe Sends Messages & I Don’t Speak the Language.

My question to the Universe has always been, “Why can’t I?”. Why can’t I just be me? Why can’t I just do what I love and be who I truly am without those around me having something to say about it? When will I be safe & comfortable enough to have the freedom to do th...