The expanding Universe: 100 years later

<p>From the moment in 1915 that Einstein released his General theory of Relativity out into the world, he knew he had a Universe-sized problem to reckon with. His new theory of gravitation was incredible in many ways. It reproduced all of its predecessor&rsquo;s (Newtonian gravity&rsquo;s) successes, from laboratory to Solar system scales. It successfully explained puzzles, like the precession of Mercury&rsquo;s orbit, that Newtonian gravity could not. And it made several new predictions, like the deflection of starlight by massive objects, that differed from Newton&rsquo;s old theories. By replacing Newton&rsquo;s inverse square force law acting instantaneously between any two masses in the Universe with an underlying curved spacetime that affected and was affected by masses and all forms of energy, Einstein knew he was fomenting a scientific revolution.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>