Tag: travels

How street art travels the world without moving.

Or should the real question be: What is not art? People have debated this topic for centuries. Only to never fully agree on a single all-embracing definition. Understandable, as it’s partly submitted to taste and we all know one can’t argue taste. And maybe an even bigger reason is th...

Budget Travels: Dublin, Ireland

For the past four years, I lived in Dublin, Ireland, only moving home this past June. While the main purpose of my time abroad was to study, I had plenty of time to play tourist in Dublin, discovering some of the coolest (and cheapest!) spots in the city. No matter your budget, these activities will...

Travels With My Daughter: Part One Of Hopefully Many

Back in January, she’d asked me how I wanted to spend my birthday this year. I was probably grumbling at the pandemic-enforced lack of adventure in our lives. My last two birthdays had fallen in full-blown lockdowns. Our family unit bubbled across two households, so I at least got the semi-cin...

When a Japanese Travels from London to Pisa

Although I majored in French at university, I also fell in love with the neighbouring country of Italy. At that time though, few people understood English or French in smaller Italian cities. In many cases, I had to depend on my gestures. Even when I merely asked for ‘one single room for two n...

Hinduism: On Time Travel.

Time dilation is a concept that stems from Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Some of us have heard or know about it already, for those who haven't, here's what it means- due to differences in the gravitational field in different regions of the universe time tends to flow differently. I...

Marco Polo and the Coffee Lid. Or how your garbage travels more than you.

That lid is going to have a busy day, believe me. In fact, in its lifespan — which lasts about 1,000 years — it will experience many things. Perhaps it will witness climate change, flying vehicles, the first human settlements on the Moon, and perpetual ceasefire in the Middle East. Or ma...

Is Time Travel Even Possible?

Have you ever dreamed of traveling through time, like characters do in science fiction movies? For centuries, the concept of time travel has captivated people’s imaginations. Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time, just like you move between different places. In ...

From Hours to Minutes: The Dawn of Rocket Travel

This isn’t just about faster travel; it’s a leap towards redefining human connection and business, shrinking our vast world into a neighborhood. Rockets will zip through the atmosphere, offering a glimpse of zero-gravity, making our current air travel seem like a slow boat across the oce...

How to Wish “Safe Travels” in Spanish

Wishing someone safe travel is part of almost everyday conversations in life, especially if you are a student of Spanish as your social circle will surely expand and you will have more reasons to wish your friends around the world a happy trip. And, oddly enough, the expression “safe travel...