Marco Polo and the Coffee Lid. Or how your garbage travels more than you.

<p>That lid is going to have a busy day, believe me. In fact, in its lifespan &mdash; which lasts about 1,000 years &mdash; it will experience many things. Perhaps it will witness climate change, flying vehicles, the first human settlements on the Moon, and perpetual ceasefire in the Middle East. Or maybe it will have a quiet life on a planet without humans. Only time will tell.</p> <p>Our dear coffee lid will travel many miles across the world. So many, in fact, that Sky Team&rsquo;s frequent flyers look standstill in comparison. Our lid will travel by boat, then it will swim its way across the ocean, and sometimes, perhaps, a traveling turtle or seagull will accompany it. But to start its great odyssey, the first destination will be a landfill on the coasts of Asia, Africa, or Oceania. The same beaches you see in a travel magazine while waiting for your turn at the dentist; those beaches, main characters in your escape fantasies&hellip; those are the beaches that the coffee lid will visit before you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>