Tag: Tradition

Discovering Art and Tradition with Fernando Malo

With a rich artistic journey rooted in both education and life experience, Zaragoza-based artist Fernando Malo has a strong connection with the city of Barcelona, which is deeply woven into the tapestry of his work. He studied at the Massana School from 1976 to 1981 and sold his pottery on the Rambl...

The Argentine Graduation Tradition

In the United States we celebrate graduation day by going out to a fancy restaurant with family, parties, and receiving gifts with cake. However, during my time in Vamos Spanish Academy in Buenos Aires I learned that there is a graduation tradition that is quite strange to us foreigners. Y...

Travel and Tradition

The University of Edinburgh is cold, erratically sunny, but common spurts of rain. The University of Iowa is not different. There are haunted bookshops next to corner diners. I’m a writer. I used to say it was I do. Now it’s something I am. It’s the fanatic, crazy pro-university to...

Ganslessen Tradition: A Culinary Journey into Vienna

The Ganslessen tradition is a jewel in the city’s cultural crown. This custom, deeply woven into the fabric of Viennese life, is more than just a gastronomic delight; it’s a celebration, a historical journey, and a testament to the city’s rich heritage. As we explore t...

How to Celebrate Children’s Day, the Winter Solstice, in the Buddhist Tradition.

Parents! Children! The biggest funnest celebration of the year in the Buddhist tradition is upon us! It’s cross-cultural, too, it honors the Winter Solstice, Invicti Solis, the darkest day of the year, and the return of the sun! We just marked the shortest, darkest day of the year. Tha...

A glimpse into the Andean Mystical Tradition

The Andean Mystical tradition is a path of conscious evolution which offers profound insights on the value of living in ‘ayni ‘ — in sacred reciprocity with nature. In this article we dive into some of the fundamental spiritual beliefs of the earth-based Andean mountain traditio...

Modern Questions About a Long-Standing Christmas Tradition

Over a month ago, this tree was firmly rooted in the ground. In recent weeks, it resided in a home, likely decorated with ornaments, brimming with lights, wrapped presents at its base, propped up in a special corner of the room. I walked past this discarded tree on a walk with my dog. I was jo...

Temazcal: A Mayan Tradition Ego Death’s a Celt

I share this as a reminder that there exists a boundless cultural history of healing methodology to be explored. Howler monkeys wake us on the volcanic island we reside. Dried leaves sprawl a bamboo cabin, tangled in a mosquito net, we scratch our bites. I spot a Tarantula. “I&rsqu...

What does Talal Asad mean by “Islamic Discursive Tradition”?

To understand what exactly “Islamic discursive tradition” means, this section elaborates on what problem Talal Asad wanted to resolve by introducing this term. He believes that till the time when he first developed his article, anthropologists tried to justify “Islam” as an o...

The Evolution of Durga Puja in Kolkata: From Tradition to Branding

Diving deeper into the chronicles, we discover that the first grand worship of Goddess Durga was likely in the late 1500s, hosted by the zamindars of Dinajpur and Malda. During this period, it was a privileged affair, reserved for the elite Hindu Bengali class, known for their refined taste and penc...

“Teej”: Celebrating Tradition, Joy, and Togetherness

The Teej festival is an important Hindu celebration that takes place for three days in either August or September. It is mainly celebrated by women in Nepal and certain parts of India, and it is a tribute to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, the divine pair. This festival is of great significance to b...

The Story of a Cherished Tradition

The Holy Week is one of the most sacred times of the year for Christians around the world as we commemorate the events that constitute the pascal mystery of Christ — his passion, death, and resurrection. It begins with Palm Sunday (in 2021, when this article’s written, on Mar 28). Variou...

Embracing the New Normal: How Our Family Traditions are Changing

I’ve had my parents nearby my entire life. They’ve lived their lives parallel to mine — always within arms reach. Unlike my childhood, where I was separated from my extended family due to the disease of addiction and my parents’ wise choices to keep me away from it, my childr...

How Stories Live and the Storytelling Tradition

Each house lives and ages with stories both unfolding and told behind its windows, speculated under warm, worn-out blankets, whispered just beside the quivering flame of a palitaan or oil lamp, and witnessed by the rich shadows looming over the walls. Storytelling traditions vary from one society...

Noodles: A Love Story of Taste and Tradition

First things first, noodles come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. Whether you prefer them long and slurpy or short and twirly, there’s a noodle out there for everyone. From the silky strands of Italian pasta to the chewy goodness of Asian rice noodles, the possibilities are endless. But n...

Embracing Tradition: The Modern Guide to Being a Traditional Man with Values

At the heart of traditional manhood lies integrity. A traditional man is his word; he is honest, ethical, and does the right thing, even when it’s challenging or unnoticed. This commitment to truth and moral uprightness isn’t just about personal honor; it’s about building trust and...

The Rhythms of Tradition: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Latin American Music

The Melting Pot of Cultures: A Fusion of Indigenous, African, and European Influences Latin American music is a melting pot of cultures, shaped by centuries of migration, colonization, and cultural exchange. Indigenous, African, and European musical traditions intertwine to create a rich tapestry...

The Future of Journalism with AI: Bridging Tradition and Innovation

In the ever-evolving landscape of journalism, the symbiotic relationship between human reporters and artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to redefine the way news is gathered, analyzed, and disseminated. As we step into 2024, the convergence of traditional journalistic values with cutting-edge AI ...

The Bizarre Lip Plate Tradition

Lip plates are predominantly used by the Mursi, Sara and Suma tribes in Ethiopia. These tribes are well known for the large clay plates that their women wear on their lower lips. Apart from Ethiopia, there are other countries where the lip plate tradition is also prominent, as archaeologists have...

How Forsaking Tradition Ruins Culture

It’s fair to say that in the current moment, western culture is destroying tradition. All the things previously regarded as good are now viewed as an insurmountable evil to be “terminated from this earth”. Tradition is clothed with a reputation of being racist, sexist and overall h...

The Importance of Tradition in the Age of Modernity

In this essay I explore my thoughts on tradition in a cultural sense, and my recent experience with the rebirth of tradition as a second-generation Italian-Australian Sometimes ‘traditions’ are forgotten for good reason. Maybe they are outdated, or perhaps they tie one to the past ...

At the Crossroads of Tradition and Self

On that sun-drenched afternoon, the Victorian mantra that children and animals should be seen and not heard echoed through my thoughts as I pondered the traditions that ruled the roost. It was a structure born from a Sicilian heritage, where the family was paramount, self-reliance a virtue, and the ...

Food and Spirituality in Albanian Tradition

In the tapestry of my memories, woven before the tumult of the Kosovo war, the simple act of dining held profound significance. I recall those moments vividly, where sustenance was shared upon a humble cloth laid on the floor. Then, after the ravages of conflict, my uncle arrived from Switzerland...

Bengali Culture: A vibrant tradition

Welcome to the heart of Bengali culture, a vibrant tradition that radiates warmth and embraces everyone with open arms. Bengali culture is a tapestry woven with love, tradition, and creativity, where every thread contributes to the beauty of its heritage. From the melodious rhythms of Rabindra ...

The Curious Tradition of Sprinkling Women So They Can Grow

“Be careful this weekend, guys might want to sprinkle you”. “Excuse me?!” — I asked my friend, baffled. “Yeah, so you can grow, as if you were a flower”. *Confused face* This conversation happened during my first year living in Hungary, as we wer...

Dutch Colorful Tradition

It’s that time of the year: Carnival! The official start date is the 11th of November, falling on a Friday this year. So, what is Carnival? In short, it’s the day when the concept of “normal” goes out the window. In my youth, my introduction to Carnival was through Braz...


Rajasthan is a state of India which is famous for its hospitality in all over the world. Most of the people there are involved in the tourism-related jobs, Rajasthan is one the biggest spot of tourism. There is a custom which Rajasthani people follow, they believe their guest as Gods, they welcome a...

Our Family’s Canning Tradition Through Generations

When I was little, my mom and grandma used to make a canned veggie salad for winter. I remember watching them carefully. My mother first went to the market with my dad, and they’d buy the ingredients: a big sack of fresh, juicy tomatoes, 2 sacks of eggplants, another sack of bell peppers, a...

The Shadows of Tradition: When Jokes Turn Toxic in the Halls of Privilege

The whispers began in hushed tones, then exploded across social media: a group of students from a prestigious private school, children of celebrities no less, stood accused of bullying. But the story went deeper. This wasn’t a single incident, but a chilling echo of a “tradition” p...

Keeping The Essence Of Tradition.

I grew up hating my Chinese traditions. Growing up I felt like so much of it didn’t make sense to me like learning my mother tongue, using chopsticks properly, women being seen as a “good woman” only if she were domesticated, keeping the rules of festivities, and all that other thi...

“Smashing Tradition: Exploring Denmark’s Affectionate Plate-Shattering Ritual on New Year’s Eve”

In Denmark, there is a unique tradition that takes place every year on the 31st of December. Rather than throwing away unused dishes and plates, Danes save them until the end of the year when they affectionately shatter them against the doors of all their friends and relatives. This tradition is kno...

The Toss. A Chinese New Year Tradition I Love.

The Yee sang or Yu Sheng in Mandarin, is a raw fish (Yu being fish) salad as pictured above and makes its appearance for a month around Chinese New Year. Today the dish has been adapted to so many different versions to make it more exciting, premium, exotic, cute… it’s a testament of cr...

Martenitsa: The Symbolism Behind Bulgaria’s Red and White Tradition

Martenitsa is a beloved Bulgarian tradition that has been celebrated for centuries. This red and white symbol of spring is worn throughout the month of March, and it represents new beginnings, good health, and good luck. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history and symbolism behind m...

High Tea A British tradition in France that amuses the French who ‘Gouter’.

Introducing my French neighbours to English ‘tea’. History and how the French do it differently, the French ‘Gouter’ In 1997 my husband and I moved to France to a doorless drafty chateau in the foothills of the French Pyrenees. The French Chateaux adventure is an exciti...

German Birthday Tradition: When Early Wishes Bring Bad Luck

Hey there! Ever heard of a place where wishing someone “Happy Birthday” ahead of time is a big no-no? Yep, you guessed it right — it’s Germany! In this quirky twist of birthday customs, the early bird doesn’t catch the worm. Germans take their birthdays seriously, and t...