Tag: Things

20 Things Nobody Told You About Life After 40

Ahlife advice. The older you get, the more you’ve seen, the more you’ve messed up, the more you have to say about the business of living. BUT… The more scared you are of saying it out loud because you know there is no One-Size- Fits-All strategy for life — that we e...

The Ending Things

I would bawl my eyes out of the blue when I heard the words die and death mentioned on their lips. It can be tempting to give up and say, “I want to die!” every time the world teases you with unpleasant tasks and situation. I wondered how much suffering and misery you have been...

These Small Things in Life Bring Me Joy

Let’s face it: Life is tough. At times, it can be difficult, even bordering on unbearable. You have to take a win whenever you’re able to. Big wins, medium-sized ones, and even small little things can help make your day enjoyable. I’ve learned the value of appreciating the small...

7 Things 27 Year-Old Me Would Tell 21 Year-Old Me

1) Don’t let yourself become arrogant You will ace the first programming class you take in university. And because of that you’ll become arrogant and choose not to practice as much as you could have. And this alone will cause you to fail every single (but one) internship interview in ...

Little Things That Aren’t Little

Asking how someone’s day was when they know the sidewalk rule specific compliments, a smile from a stranger, asking you questions when you’re talking, nicknames, being in the sun, walking in a group and someone waiting for you to catch up, facetiming till 1am, ”checking in on you&r...

Things are Not Right

I'm amazed at the cognitive dissonance we live with daily. A certain level of that is typical for the modern world as contradictory information and world views have increased over the last couple of centuries, but not at these accelerating levels. Depending on our country, we all ex...

Little Things That Aren’t Little

Asking how someone’s day was when they know the sidewalk rule specific compliments, a smile from a stranger, asking you questions when you’re talking, nicknames, being in the sun, walking in a group and someone waiting for you to catch up, facetiming till 1am, ”checking in on you&r...

Things are Not Right

by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ August 28, 2023 I'm amazed at the cognitive dissonance we live with daily. A certain level of that is typical for the modern world as contradictory information and world views have increased over the last couple of centuries, but not at these accelerating ...

99% of Your Success Is Determined By These 7 Uncommon Things (Not Wealth, Status, or Fame).

Success isn’t just a random occurrence. You can’t stumble your way to success. It requires intention. Thoughtfulness. You’ll use luck. But long-term success is a skill you can learn. Remember that real success is a process, not an event. Success is a formula yo...

Little Things That Aren’t Little

Asking how someone’s day was when they know the sidewalk rule specific compliments, a smile from a stranger, asking you questions when you’re talking, nicknames, being in the sun, walking in a group and someone waiting for you to catch up, facetiming till 1am, ”checking in on you&r...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

Stop wasting time doing these 5 things

Time is one of the most precious things we have. You can loose and gain back almost everything. However, time cannot be brought back. I’m sure there are plenty of things you want to do. Chances are high, that some of these things you haven’t done yet because you simply don’t ...

The Little Things Of Dublin That Bring Me So Much Joy

I have just returned from a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, and though the city fascinated me in every possible way, I have to confess that something really “weird” happened as I was on my way to the airport: I was excited to get on my cheap Ryanair flight and go back to the cloudy, rainy, ...

Declutter Your Life, Elevate Your Spirit: A Guide to Letting Go of Unwanted Things

Clutter doesn’t just take up physical space; it weighs heavy on the mind and spirit. Those overflowing drawers, precariously balanced stacks, and dusty corners whisper a constant reminder of unfulfilled tasks and forgotten dreams. But fear not, decluttering warriors! The path to a lighter, bri...