7 Things 27 Year-Old Me Would Tell 21 Year-Old Me

<h1>1) Don&rsquo;t let yourself become arrogant</h1> <p>You will ace the first programming class you take in university. And because of that you&rsquo;ll become arrogant and choose not to practice as much as you could have. And this alone will cause you to fail every single (but one) internship interview in year 3 of university.</p> <p>The thought that&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;I am better than the rest and hence need to put in less work&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>is for losers. You gotta put in the hours no matter what. And the earlier you get out of this loser mindset, the better.</p> <h1>2) Train your body more</h1> <p>STOP BEING LAZY.</p> <p>You don&rsquo;t have to be ripped af like some bodybuilder, but at least have the discipline to grow physically stronger bit by bit. So that your 26 year-old self doesn&rsquo;t have to start from scratch :&rsquo;)</p> <p>And you&rsquo;ll feel better and have more energy to do other stuff. Regular exercise is good for you!</p> <h1>3) Be more open to being uncomfortable</h1> <p>Across your university life, internships, work life etc, you&rsquo;ll be put into numerous uncomfortable situations eg. having to speak to many people, having to step up to lead some project etc.</p> <blockquote> <p>Uncomfortable == Opportunity for growth</p> </blockquote> <p>So stop avoiding uncomfortable situations like the plague! Unless of course the situation does nothing for you, then pick your battles wisely.</p> <p><a href="https://zlliu.medium.com/7-things-27-year-old-me-would-tell-21-year-old-me-eabb1d49bcc3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Things Year