20 Things Nobody Told You About Life After 40

<p>Ahlife advice.</p> <p>The older you get, the more you&rsquo;ve seen, the more you&rsquo;ve messed up, the more you have to say about the business of living.</p> <p>BUT&hellip;</p> <p>The more scared you are of saying it out loud because you know there is no One-Size- Fits-All strategy for life &mdash; that we each have to cut our own track through the mud and mire.</p> <p>We all have to learn how to live the hard way.</p> <p>Still, from time to time, I like to reflect on things I wish I&rsquo;d known at various life stages.</p> <p>Here are some midlife favourites, with my spin on them. Enjoy.</p> <h2>1. What goes in your mouth matters more than what comes out.</h2> <p>In midlife you often find your voice, you begin to speak your truth. But &mdash; honestly &mdash; the world can live very well without all your fine opinions, views and stories. The time comes when you need to pay more attention to what goes in than what comes out. Let&rsquo;s just say that in midlife a passion for burger and fries has consequences. So does a big night out.</p> <h2>2. Other people are not having better sex than you.</h2> <p>Everyone lies about how much sex they are having. And many believe that, when it comes to sex, the grass is a whole lot greener where other people are.</p> <p>The reality is that a few people are having a lot of great sex. But you almost certainly don&rsquo;t know any of them.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/on-the-couch/20-things-nobody-told-you-about-life-after-40-31c117e3cf8c">Website</a></p>
Tags: nobody Things