Tag: Themselves

We Should Help Those That Want to Help Themselves.

The title of this article may have you thinking,” Hey, she just misquoted a bible verse.” It may surprise some and delight others to know that this popular quote did not originate in the bible. I guess that goes to show that we can learn something new every day, but more to the poi...

We Should Help Those That Want to Help Themselves.

The title of this article may have you thinking,” Hey, she just misquoted a bible verse.” It may surprise some and delight others to know that this popular quote did not originate in the bible. I guess that goes to show that we can learn something new every day, but more to the poi...

Trump Official Who Told Jan. 6 Cops To Go Hang Themselves … Uh, Might Have Just Hung Himself

“When I told the Capitol cop traitors to go hang themselves, I didn’t mean me!” said Dylan Quattrucci, Trump’s New Hampshire deputy campaign director who might be out of a job. The young Trump official carelessly made an expletive-laced video, directed at th...

The Kind of Narcissist That Keeps to Themselves

Out of all types of narcissists, the schizoid narc is the kind who, oftentimes than not, indulge in their own created solitude, albeit in delusion. And it simply doesn’t stop there. Schizoid individuals in general find themselves in the role of the “lost child” within a narci...

Why Nearly 100,000 People Evaporate Themselves Every Year in Japan

This world is a cruel playground. You either win the race or hit the dust, suffocate, and die. Nobody gives a pat on the back of a defeated man, saying it’s okay to fail. Here, failure comes with deep shame. Shame, guilt, disappointment, and pain. Very few people can get over it, whil...

9 Questions Great Bosses Ask Themselves

How do you get better as a manager? You can use feedback from your manager, inputs from your team, and outcomes you achieve as a measure of your performance, but by themselves, they do not help you get better. Without a system in place to measure yourself and actively monitor how you’re doi...

8 Office Must-Haves for Girl Bosses Who Want to Be Taken Seriously Even Though They Call Themselves Girl Boss

So, you landed the #dreamjob and are “living your best life!” in the professional world. Congrats! But now that you want to work on climbing that corporate ladder, you may be afraid that you’ll have to straighten up and get rid of all the stuff that shows off your totally unique...

9 Questions Great Bosses Ask Themselves

How do you get better as a manager? You can use feedback from your manager, inputs from your team, and outcomes you achieve as a measure of your performance, but by themselves, they do not help you get better. Without a system in place to measure yourself and actively monitor how you’re doi...

These World Cities Compare Themselves to San Francisco—And Some Are On Point

Across the globe a number of international cities refer to themselves as the “San Francisco of [insert country name].” And I can’t say that I blame them, given the quality of life, the overall awesomeness and the vanity of our fair city (even if our affordable housing situation lea...

Why Muslims Can’t Laugh at Themselves

InExodus 33, Moses reminds God that if he, Moses, is to lead God’s chosen people, God had better present himself to inspire them. After all, says Moses, “What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” The Lord obliges, but the ...

Everyone Has the Right to Shoot Themselves in the Ass

Let me start by making it clear that this article is not about gun control in America. You, lovely people in the States, can argue all you like about Second Amendment rights in your own time. I’ve got other things on my mind just now. I’m a firm believer in the right of every man and ...

Republicans Are Obstructing Themselves On Trump’s Behalf

Ever since Trump pledged to build a wall and have “Mexico pay for it,” I’ve always wondered what would happen if Democrats adopted tougher language on the border. Now, it looks like I’m finally getting my answer. Whether or not it’s as big of a problem as people thin...

4 Things White Parents of Black Kids Can Do To Stop Telling On Themselves

Every so often a member of the White Adoptive Parent Blog Industrial Complex gets too far out over their skis when writing about race. The pieces tend to be born out of intense parental love, but go awry when the authors either insert themselves into the center of the struggle for racial justice ins...

The people who believe themselves to be white

First, insofar as race is a social construct (which it is), it’s useful to examine how that construct was built, and how it has two sides (at least). The category of “black people” could not exist without a complementary, equally made-up category of “white people” to st...

On the Saviors of Themselves

I indulged in similar procedures quite a few times. I performed diverse forms of meditation and used various psychotropic substances in different sets and settings. While most of the people I interact with have little to no understanding whatsoever of where and why those practices emerged (and I do ...

Tu Zindaa Hai…

A couple weeks ago, a Desi comrade drew my attention to this amazing protest song, dating back to the anticolonial struggle against the British and written by the Hindi/Urdu lyricist Shailendra. I’m putting this together to make it accessible to a wider English-speaking audience, Desi or not. ...