Tag: Tears


The tense hand cradles my tilted head Thumb pressed to the right temple Fingers digging in where they can Exhaustion is setting in My eyes are sealed tight The jaw clenches with ferocity The lump in my throat pulsates My stomach tightens and shakes I am outside of reality Trapped in eve...

The Depths In Tears of the Kingdom At Their Peak Are True Fear Given Form

Let me tell you the story of a young man. One that ventured into the depths deep below innocently looking for a way into the Korok Forest. He thought it would simply be a short little trip as he would pop right out in a bit. He was wrong. As he landed in the deep darkness of the depths ...

Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Has An Amazing Opening

Just to get ahead of it, this article will contain spoilers for the opening section of the game but not beyond it. The first thing I did when I put the cartridge into the Switch was to claim my Eshop points which I continue to save up for something fancy but I don’t know what yet. After I felt...

Palace of Tears

I remember the day we came to the Old Palace. It was such a long time ago, but it feels like yesterday. Doomed to exile, we handmaidens gathered our lady’s belongings and hoped for the best. No one had any warning, but somehow we all knew what to do. We began packing our belongings, what few w...

My White Elite Tears

There has been much crying online and offline over the Dutch election results in the Netherlands, and many “white elite tears” (I read these comical words somewhere) have been shed in the process. I understand where it comes from, but soon I had more than enough of the wailing comments. ...

The Real Reason For My White Tears

She, a black woman, had come to consult with me, a white therapist. We had been meeting for over a year, and during that time, I had developed a deep admiration and care for her. Her struggles did not revolve around depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, or the myriad of other problems peopl...

The Tears of a Mother!

Many know the tears of a mother all too well when she sheds tears of joy and sorrow. Tears of joy seeing their child take their first step, graduate from High School or college, or at their wedding, and when she holds her first grandchild. Joyful tears are what Kate Cox should have had when she r...

Seeing Through Kavanaugh’s Tears

OnThursday, during Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I was brought back a moment 16 and a half years ago, when I lay in bed, watching my boyfriend cry. Like Kavanaugh, my boyfriend had cried loudly and theatrically, offended that he had been accused of harming ...

The wall of tears

Hamas blew daddy and mommy away. Leaving us with just a memory A snapshot of what was a happy family Daddy, why did you leave me? Mommy, why did you leave me? And all the children say: Website

The Sexism of Antiracism—on Karens, Pearl-Clutching, and White Women’s Tears

Rich liberals have pitted gender and race against each other since the early days of abolition and suffrage when partisans concluded they could not or would not work for both. It continues with antiracists today who refer insultingly to Karens (white women who report their suspicions of people of co...

White Women’s Weaponised Tears?

What I (as a White woman) choose to give my attention to, and when I do so, must be at MY convenience, when I decide I feel strong enough, and when I WANT to hear about XY or Z… then and only then, are you allowed to mention that which is triggering for me. You say you are a democracy, wit...