The Real Reason For My White Tears

<p>She, a black woman, had come to consult with me, a white therapist. We had been meeting for over a year, and during that time, I had developed a deep admiration and care for her.</p> <p>Her struggles did not revolve around depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, or the myriad of other problems people commonly bring to therapy. The most significant source of strife was the racism she faced in her daily life. It permeated nearly every aspect of her existence, leaving her drained and weary.</p> <p>Race was a constant presence in our therapy sessions, whether we explicitly discussed it or not. During this meeting, as she shared her grief, it was clear that racism was directly involved. Reflecting on these times with her, I feel a surge of anger, just as I did back then.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: White Tears