My White Elite Tears

<p><strong>There has been much crying online and offline over the Dutch election results in the Netherlands, and many &ldquo;white elite tears&rdquo; (I read these comical words somewhere) have been shed in the process. I understand where it comes from, but soon I had more than enough of the wailing comments. Those who have lost may be the queers, trans people, immigrants and Muslims, but I think those who lost dramatically are the voiceless: the animals.</strong></p> <p>The only party that stands up for them, the Party for the Animals (PvdD), has been drastically reduced from six to three seats in Dutch parliament since the last elections. Because it is so incredibly necessary that permanent attention is drawn to the animals in the factory farms, that animal lives must be improved wherever possible in that hellish industry that is intensive animal farming, and that the fight for animal rights must not slacken, I find it a painful outcome.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Elite Tears