Tag: Teach

Programming Principles They Don’t Teach You In School

From my experience as a first year undergraduate student, and listening to seniors’ experiences, Schools and Colleges teach you how to program and also the required Math such as Discrete Mathematics and Calculus. But when you leave university and enter the industry, there are concepts and prin...

Unveiling Pragmatic Business Wisdom: Key Lessons from “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School

In the realm of business education, textbooks and lectures provide a solid foundation, but they often fall short in preparing individuals for the nuanced realities of the corporate world. Mark H. McCormack’s book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School: Notes from a ...

What exploring a new city can teach us about leadership

Iwas driving down the avenue, looking for the place where I needed to make a right turn. I’d been in this city for a few weeks and had taken this route to the climbing gym before, but this time was different. It was different because, as I got into the car this evening, I decided not to pull u...

Faces That Teach You Things

Well, I keep having the same conversation with myself: I should tell them, as a kind of disclaimer, that I know this is no good. I know what good is and I know that technically, this is not what it should be: The proportions are off, the shadows contradictory, not wrong entirely but definitely not w...

Birds teach me photography

In my childhood days, my knowledge of birds was very scant. I knew the bird which made the sound “caw, caw” was the crow, and the bird which made “coo, coo” was the skylark. Rest all birds which I saw up the tree I simply referred them as sparrows — may be a big sparrow...

What You Can Look Forward to if You Teach Long Enough

There are few jobs where the passage of time is as noticeable as teaching, especially if you stay in the same town or school for your entire career. When I began my career in 1987, I could not possibly have imagined the changes I would witness as my career progressed. Most of the changes came slo...

The Law of Detachment: What Does Buddhism Teach Us?

At first glance, it may seem a trifle or an insubstantial change, but in reality, it is a colossal transformation in our way of understanding the world and in our way of living. The very moment we give up our interest in the result, we detach ourselves from desire, which we often confuse with nee...

Does Islam teach anti-Semitism?

The issue of whether or not Islam promotes anti-Semitism is a multifaceted and contentious topic. There are those who assert that there are religious and theological tenets within Islam that espouse negative sentiment towards Jews and Judaism and point to historical examples of Jewish persecution in...

What is anti-Semitism? Does the Quran teach us about antisemitism?

Antisemitism is a term used to describe prejudice, discrimination, or hostility towards Jewish people. According to Antisemitism in Islam refers to scriptural and theological teachings in Islam against Jews and Judaism, as well as the treatment and persecution of Jews in the Muslim world. The Qur...

7 lessons to teach my black son (and any young black person)

The killing of black people over the past few weeks, has caused a stir around the world — a stir that has been needed for so many years. Political leaders, business leaders, charities, the police and every day people are now committing to do better to support black communities. It’s s...

Should White People Teach Yoga?

I’m a white yoga teacher who, truth be told, never asked myself this question when I decided to become a yoga teacher 15+ years ago. It felt pretty uncomfortable when I realized it was time to start asking it. So, if you’re a white yoga teacher, I hear you: you might be feeling irrita...

What Insects Teach Us About Individuation

Deleuze’s 1961 article on Masoch offers a key entry point into his complex relationship with psychoanalysis and the philosophy of the unconscious. Unlike his earlier explorations of Hume and Bergson, this essay marks a distinct departure from Freud, aligning himself with a Jungian perspective ...

How to Teach About Diwali

In my defense, it was middle school, and it — and everyone in it — was awkward. And I really didn’t know the significance of the holiday — just that we celebrated it. (I think I knew that different people celebrated it differently / for different reasons, but I definitely was...

What Can Sociology Teach Us About Ourselves and Our Environment?

Sociology is a science that focuses on the way an individual interacts with his or her environment. Not only that, but it focuses on the group mindset of a society. Through the readings assigned so far, students are taught the basics of sociology. We see how it is implemented; as a means of understa...

How to Teach English Online on Pop On

Do you have what it takes to help students around the world improve their English, to help them break the ice and start speaking with more confidence? Have you ever wanted to try teaching but never had the time, or just wanted to socialize with a chat pal while earning some extra cash? Pop On is the...

How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer (CELTA course study material #3)

Reasons for learning The importance of student motivation Different contexts Responsibility Learner differences Reasons for learning — All around the world people learn English for varying reasons, many learn due to having moved into a target-language community and they need to operat...

Can ChatGPT teach you English?

While you can use ChatGPT to generate English activity suggestions, practice conversations, improve grammar, and learn the meaning of new words, it should be used with caution (= carefully). ChatGPT still makes mistakes and produces confusing answers every once in a while (= sometimes)&...

How Disney Films Teach Children to Discriminate

As a child growing up in rural South Africa, much of what I knew about the broader world I discovered through my television screen. National Geographic taught me about polar bears and tsunamis, and the history channel gave me a decent understanding of the industrial revolution and who really killed ...

English As She Is Spoke — Teach Translate Travel Repeat

So I have been doing a lot of posting on travelling (and some on language teaching, but mostly on travelling) and I find myself in need of rectifying a situation: there are, as of yet, no posts about translation. Let me put your minds at ease by stating that this post seeks to remedy this deficiency...

These 5 YouTubers Can Teach You More Spanish Than Any College For Free!

Hola amigos, Are you interested in learning Spanish but hesitant to invest money in courses? Or perhaps you’re on a tight budget? If so, you’re in luck! There are numerous YouTube channels dedicated to teaching Spanish for free. In this article, I’ll share some of my favori...