What exploring a new city can teach us about leadership

<p>Iwas driving down the avenue, looking for the place where I needed to make a right turn. I&rsquo;d been in this city for a few weeks and had taken this route to the climbing gym before, but this time was different. It was different because, as I got into the car this evening, I decided not to pull up Waze or Google Maps for the ride.</p> <p>As I was driving and attentively looking at the street signs, bus stops, gas stations, and apartment buildings, I realized that there&rsquo;s also a bigger difference. Without the reassurance that a chirpy voice from my phone will warn me when I need to prepare for the turn, my attention had changed. I was noticing a lot that I hadn&rsquo;t noticed previously. Here&rsquo;s some of what was going through my mind:</p> <p><em>Okay, the streets are numbered. I know I need to make the turn on the 35th, what am I on now? Oh, that small street had a sign for 21st. If the next is 23rd then I&rsquo;ll just count them as they go up and I&rsquo;ll be ready for the turn. Uh oh. The next one was 19th instead. Alright, I know the numbers repeat in different neighborhoods, so I&rsquo;m probably still some ways off. I&rsquo;ll look at the numbers again later. Meanwhile, I think there was some sort of a clearing right before the turn. Perhaps a small parking lot? Better watch out for something like that so I don&rsquo;t miss the turn if I got it wrong about the numbers. [..]</em></p> <p>I won&rsquo;t bore you with more of my internal monologue from the time. But hopefully the mere half a minute&rsquo;s worth of thoughts gives you a sense of the level of detail my attention was capturing.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@deiwin/what-exploring-a-new-city-can-teach-us-about-leadership-b5165262bce0">Click Here</a></p>