Tag: Supremacy

To Fight White Supremacy, We Must First Destroy The Wall of Denial

Denial can be more than a personal failure to acknowledge something, like your addiction to eating cookies after midnight. It can also be a societal one, like White Americans systematically denying the existential threat of white supremacy. How has this denial been created and sustained over the yea...

We Can’t Blame This One On White Supremacy And Single Black Mothers

It’s a shame that a brutal beating that took the life of Tyre Nichols by five Black male officers, has turned the conversation to…Black women. If you are not familiar with the story, 29-year-old FedEx worker Tyre Nichols was pulled over for a “routine traffic stop”, the...

A monument to white supremacy stands uncontested in our own back yard

After Charlottesville and amidst the debate over statues of Lee, Davis and other confederate monuments, I came across an image of the Emancipation Memorial in Washington, D.C. The striking monument features a stately Abraham Lincoln standing over an unnamed, barely-clothed black man who is kneeling ...

Dr. Claudine Gay, anti-Black racism, Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, DEI, and white supremacy: Why Race Still Matters in the Workplace

I have observed recent events at Harvard involving the former president, Dr. Claudine Gay, and the so-called “pushback against DEI” with great distress. As I watch the “Trojan horse” way those events are being used as cover for anti-Black bias and racism, I am, unironically, ...

Professionalism is White Supremacy, Actually

Professionalism not only encourages but necessarily requires that we follow the status quo. And that status quo is a reflection of our late-capitalist, patriarchal, and racist society. It was created for and by white men, and it loathes individuality. We must be placed in neat boxes labeled with our...

White Women: How We Are Perpetuating White Supremacy at Work

Asthe Chief of Staff, I’m sitting in a meeting with our leadership team as we debrief about a company policy that negatively impacted an employee who is a Person of Color. We start to go down the path to defend ourselves: We are a Certified B Corporation, a social impact agency, our missi...

Creating and running a Me & White Supremacy Circle in my organisation

In summer 2020 I felt motivated to extend an invitation to fellow colleagues in my overwhelmingly White organisation to engage in conversations and explorations around race, becoming anti-racist and working towards racial justice. I had wanted to catalyse a conversation like this in Dudley CVS for a...

Colorism Isn't Hatred in a Vacuum. It's Inspired by White Supremacy

Inthe land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and in a country that rejects blackness, whiteness, or lightness, reigns supreme. Why have most Americans heard of Rosa Parks's refusal to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, a decision that sparked a successful boycott of racial...

6 Reasons Why Christian Supremacy is a Bigger Threat Than White Supremacy

Some Christians are pluralists. They love Jesus and read the Bible, but they honor and affirm the validity of religions other than their own. They see their faith as personal. Other Christians are totalitarians. They believe that Christianity is the only true religion and that all others are inva...

The delusion of white supremacy

White Supremacy has lurked in the dark corners of my life. It has tried endlessly to make me believe that it is ok for people to assume I am unintelligent, incapable, and unworthy. Growing up, (white) teachers assumed I was stupid until I proved myself otherwise. I was the only student of color...

How Did The Great-Granddaughter of an Indian Slave Become The Staunchest Defender of White Supremacy In Britain?

White supremacy is the most successful multi-national company of all time and its enduring success lies in its capacity for reinvention. If its market capitalization were expressed in numerical terms, it would be worth hundreds of trillions of dollars; bigger than TESLA, Aramco, Apple, Amazon, Mi...

Quantum supremacy explained

In our everyday experience, the world is 100% measurable, deterministic, and independent of the observer. The glass is either on the table in an unbroken state, or it’s on the floor in a shattered state, regardless of when or even whether you measure or observe it. The three marbles in your ba...