Creating and running a Me & White Supremacy Circle in my organisation

<p>In summer 2020 I felt motivated to extend an invitation to fellow colleagues in my overwhelmingly White organisation to engage in conversations and explorations around race, becoming anti-racist and working towards racial justice. I had wanted to catalyse a conversation like this in Dudley CVS for a number of years, but until this point I hadn&rsquo;t sensed that the timing was right.</p> <p>However from early 2020 and then in the wake of the surge in the Black Lives Matter movement globally after the murder of George Floyd by police officers, I was finding myself in ongoing conversations with a couple of colleagues which made me realise that perhaps there was now fertile ground to open up an exploration into our white supremacy. I checked it out with our Chief Officer, who was fully supportive, and desired the opportunity to be presented as an organisational one.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>