Tag: Suffering

Why So Many Men Are Suffering From Schrödinger’s Patriarchy

I love spending time on TikTok. Not because I particularly enjoy watching young people dance but because it’s the place where you’ll find the most eloquent feminist voices. I love watching these modern young women taking down inane male talking points in 60 seconds. At the moment, I&r...

More Hearts Make Light Life ♡ You Are Not Alone in Your Suffering

The Amish say, “More hands make light work.” Together uplifting. I like to say, “More hearts make light life.” Together loving. There is no honor in putting on a brave face while you suffer alone. There is no reward for holding in your uncomfortable fee...

Mexico City Radio Stops Suffering

Let’s make one thing clear: this church is not a novice in broadcasting. In Brazil, where it was founded by Edir Macedo in 1977, the church owns the Record national television network and Record radio stations, purchased in 1999. (Record was a platform well used by right-wing pr...

Connection is Suffering

I am experiencing heartbreak at the moment. I am in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way about me. They don’t seem to want to know me anymore. It is painful being ghosted by someone you care about. I can’t stop thinking about her. She is always on my mind. I feel t...

The Buddha Did Not Teach an End to Suffering

It has become normative and conventional to translate the Buddhist term “dukkha” as “suffering.” This is a bad translation. “Suffering” is not what the Buddha meant by “dukkha.” Translating terms about concepts is always tricky because often the clo...

Understanding Craving and Clinging: The Roots of Suffering in Buddhism

In Buddhism, there’s a subtle but vital distinction between clinging and craving. Craving is like a thirst, a deep longing for something we don’t have, whether it’s material things, experiences, or even relationships. It’s that restless feeling of wanting more. Clinging, on t...

“Life is Suffering” Explained

The Evolution of the “Divine Mind” Over billions of years, some of these single-celled organisms evolved into multi-celled organisms, and eventually, into mammals and then into us, human beings. With the evolution of human beings came the evolution of the rational mind, that’s y...

Does Bhagavad Gita Say That ‘Attachment’ is the Root Cause of Human Suffering?

Let us take the case of a girl who is constantly thinking of her boy friend. — She develops attachment to her boy friend and wants to possess and marry him. The boyfriend refuses to marry her and this gives rise to ‘anger’ as unfulfilled desire. Delusion and confused m...

Unbox Your Art. She’s Screaming and Suffering in Silence

Suppressing creativity is a sin. A criminal offense that’ll have you incarcerated in the jail of frustration forever. How can you clip the wings of your art, lock her inside a dark box in your attic, and expect your creativity to thrive? Only maniacal oppressors act like that, and I susp...

A Philosophical Exploration of Consciousness, Time & Suffering

Imagine you catch a common cold, nothing serious. You go to the doctor, and they prescribe antibiotics to improve your symptoms. A few days later, you wake up completely paralyzed. How would you react? What would be the quality of your mind? This wasn’t a hypothetical nightmare &mdash...

How We Can Stop Taking On People’s Suffering

Have you ever felt upset when listening to a harrowing true story? Your heart races, empathy kicks in, and before you know it, you’re suffering as though you’re involved in the story personally. Your physical symptoms are real. Your emotional symptoms are real. But you weren’t p...

Acceptance. The Tide Of Human Suffering and Euphoria

The ebb and flow of acceptance is the tide that has governed all of human happiness and despair. acceptance of self, of others and understanding that all things work to the best of the universe is the secret to happiness, intelligence, and insights. It drives creativity and human emotional and senso...

Are You Done, Living The Material Life? Want Some Answers Of How To End The Suffering Inside You!

If you are here with some answers that you are trying to find for starting a completely brand-new chapter in your life. Which consists only of peace, a rise in your spirit awakening, and seeing only a way of what everyone calls life is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge. First, start your journey...